February 16, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Waaaaahh.... for just a month, am lossing 1 to 2 pounds(lbs.) already. My husband called me "skinny", am I? before I weigh 105 lbs. now its 103-104... weeeee... what the _ . Anyway, it's not that much but I need to gain back the weight I loss. I take blogging seriously in level with my study, as a wife, and as myself as well as to mention my social networks too like friendster, etc, so on and so forth. Sometimes hubby got told me that I prioritized my blog but not, actually sometimes before as I just started it- did I already mentioned those sleepless nights to be this in order? Well, that was before. Now, I can take control of my time. I love my life, it's as busy as a bee. Heheheh.. But to tell you, though sometimes I forgot to eat one meal but I make sure that everyday I take my One-Day Multi-Vitamin (a woman's dietary supplement) to prevent sickness and if ever I had sleepless night, I make it up for the next day as well as just took a half-bathe- make sure you don't wash your hair/head to prevent again, sickness. Well then, have fun everyone! Have a nice day... (~_~)


  1. Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 said...
    Hi, you have a nice blog

    bdh said...
    You're blessed with a lovely hubby who care about you although lot's of woman out there struggling with their body weight and you lost it in an easy way just because overwork :-)

    Healthy is the keyword my friend, take a good care and be happy...

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the bees are fly away...

    Mariuca said...
    I'd love to be too skinny he he he! ;0
    dhemz said...
    hahaha...ayaw palabi day uy...mayka kay ni niwang sa blogging..ako nitambok sa blogging...hahhaha!
    claire said...
    wow..i cannot lose weight like u.. i seem to be gaining..haha..

    ChinkyGirLMeL said...
    I wish i could be as skinny as you. =) hehehehe... you need to eat more and sleep more so you can gain your weight back
    Umma said...
    I agree with Dhemz.. kami nanambok sa blogging kay wa nay lain exercise hahaha
    DebbieDana said...
    You're not really skinny, you're just slim which is not bad at all. Actually, you look very good!

    Thanks alot btw for your birthday comment about my boy... Oh sorry, no more biko left, pinay friends took home the left overs, hehe!
    strawberry said...
    from ur comments itself I came to know u r bussy, yup in this schedule dont forgot ur frnds like me
    betchai said...
    wow, i love to lose some weight too but i can not give up enjoying a lot of foods :(

    thanks for the visit in my blog

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