February 22, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

How are you ladies and gentlemen, friends and acquaintances, fellas, folks, and all names out there, how are you all? I hope everybody is doing great and fine. Today is Sunday here and what I did lately was I went to church and I had a very nice time in there. I can still remember the words or sermon of the priest, the word of the Lord being written in celebration of this day, and the first reading as well as the second one. It all summed-up to preparation for the Lenten Season which starts this coming Wednesday (February 25). Ohhh the Ash Wednesday is on this coming week- Feb. 25 and the Holy Week is fast approaching! Whew!!! The Lenten Cycle will end on April 12, so obviously the Holy Thursday and Good Friday is on A pril 09-10. Well then, NO MEAT- for FASTING on Feb. 25(ASH WED.), Feb. 27(FRIDAY), March 6(TUESDAY), March 13(FRIDAY), March 20(TUESDAY), March 27(FRIDAY), April 3(TUESDAY), and April 10(FRIDAY) - Be sure to have a communion folks on or before this day... did you remember? And Holy Saturday is April 11 and great festivity, lavish foods is on April 12, 2009- EASTER SUNDAY . Woohoo! Invite me in your house. heheheh(joke).. (~_~). Well, this is how we celebrate this Catholic Cycle of Calendar. It's exactly 40 days and another cycle begins. Well then for Roman Catholics like me, Advance Happy Holy Week Everyone! And for those who's not Catholics, am sure you also have your story about this, right? And we Catholics respects it as you respect us too for whatever our beliefs and religion is- we unite in one common goal and believes in God, am I right? And for the Pagans and Atheist, you also have your story then. Have a pleasant day to all! Be sure to confess on or before Good Friday huh? God Bless and More Power All! (~_~)


Beloved First Commenter: Swee tgirl


  1. Anonymous said...
    wow ang aga ng holy week ngayun ash wednesday sa 25 na pla huh
    samsul bahri said...
    hello rebecca,
    can I ask U about sin ?
    if we get sin herritage, why we must do rightous thing ? yesus had help us, isnt he
    Cacai_Nad said...
    Hello Samsul, thanks for the comment. The author really appreciate it. And now here's my answer, everybody in this world is not perfect only God yet we try to be and that is good, right? Let me just say having one sin is still unperfect for such person had sinned, the only difference from the other is he has only one. And there is 2 types of sin. Venial and Moral. I will tackle this soon if someone will ask about this for it will make my answer long, and I guess it's monotonous for Samsul only ask few questions. So then, about sin heritage- that sin is we inquire or inherit from our forefather Adam and his wife Eve(they're the first person on earth)- "original sin" , so in short we have sinned before we born but Jesus save us for that that's why we are already saved from that. And now, we must do righteous thing in order that Jesus will be happy that what he has done is worth it. Everybody in this world has choice, either we choose the right thing to do or the opposite one which is the wrong. But take note, there is consequences of all our actions, when we choose to do bad that means, there's punishment. And talking about that Jesus will always save us? Where do you find that phrase or a sentence? Did God said that HE always saves us when we always commits sin yet we know that it's a sin? Hey! that's why there is education and confession! And guys don't tell me that you don't want to be educated so that you can commit sin that you don't know it's a sin! That's makes the story long. Hahahah. Why not make it not complicated and follow rules? Please look for the meaning of confession in the dictionary. And to add, to confess is to submit and not to do it again, if you do it again and again- I could say that's already abuse. No word of honor. In short, not worthy to be saved of. Anytime a person commits a sin, he/she is turning away from God. Hope this enlightens the wonderer soul who do not know the real meaning of confession and save or maybe some people don't really believe that there is God. Hey Samsul, the words I said aren't pointing to you personally huh? Please do understand that am talking this generally and it's my own opinion which I got from the teachings I had been taught of and so far, I understood it. Again, thank you soo much for leaving a mark in my blog, again I really appreciate it. Have a nice day everyone!

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