April 25, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

From three and a half months of blogging, I came to know what blogging really is and how it differs to writing and into newspaper. Actually blogging is writing, the only difference is that aside from it's spelling (heheh..), it is just a sub category of writing - all in all blogging is just a part of writing, meaning writing is the topic and blogging is the category. Did you get what I mean folks? or maybe it's just hard for me to explain? I hope you understand what I mean. I know all of you are smart and intelligent enough. This is just my own thought of what I had came to know. Moreover, in blogging you have to write it online, I view it as a newsletter in which it is updated periodically, daily, or it depends of the day interval you like to update it. When you do, you then update it according to the time interval you show to your readers, visitors, friends, and all unless otherwise if you don't like them to think that your blog is fresh and updated. And also it has to be informative, educational, communicative, friendly, and unique of it's content. I view this as a newsletter because it packs-up into a letter and in web(news+letter+web) unlike the newspaper that it is written into a paper (news+paper). In blog also readers can comment of what you wrote unlike in the newspaper that you just have to read what they write. In blog, you can find what niche you like to put-up in there, e.x. business, personal diary, it's all about education, mixed bag, and etc. With that, you then have to focus on the niche you select. In personal diary blog -of not so personal info (just the thoughts of the author, and some), it is more on a journal of the writer, the day to day living, experiences, and some. They can also tackle of the news, and events, and all because that's part of being a person, of being what and who the writer is. It's some kind of personal but not so. Wonder why? I know you have it in mind already. If not, then you can ask me through commenting. It is an art because you have to make it beautiful to look at like the template and layout, the font, the color, the size, and all the crea
tiveness you like to do. And that makes it an art. It's not just a mere one, a good blogger makes his/her blog good-looking, meaning it's not just only that one writes and done. It has to be as I said, pretty to look-at so the visitors likes to dig-up what's really in there. And that's what I knew so far from my own point of view. What's yours?

History of Supernova & SweetPain


  1. Nova said...
    Reasons why i have my blog was to communicate and to give out update to my best friends who move in the US, and others worked in different area of Philippines. that is one way to update from them, then later on i accepted paidpost because my dear friend encourage me to blog at the same time earn from it. after i withdraw the earnings i got from writing paid post, i get addicted because it really helps me a lot not only financially, for more extra cash but it helps me enhance my writing skills too.
    David Funk said...
    I started my own blog(after blogging on Sporting News for almost three years before) for the purpose of writing my own way in my own words. Obviously, I like interaction, but I also thrive on being different. I'm also one of those that likes to target more than one audience so I cover more than one topic.

    Anyway, blogging is very much an art form. It is their way to stand out from the rest while also conveying the personality behind them. Writing does tell much about us although clearly not everything.

    Great posting as always my dear friend!:)
    Dhemz said...
    great post here madam sis..great job! I have been in blogging for 2006 I guess....but I was not active back then...may posted few posts in a week....now that I have met different kinds of people around the world...I have learned different stuff...that benefits me....:) I thank you that I have met a person like you here in the web...:) samot na that we are earning from our blog...hehehe...pretty cool huh?

    thanks for sharing your thoughts!
    Secondary Roads said...
    There are many good reasons to blog. I post daily for the discipline and organization required in my mind. It also is a creative outlet. The more I write, the easier it becomes to write, and so it is practice.
    From blogging, one develops a community of friends. You find folks with common interests and soon you are encouraging one another.
    I'm glad that you are part of that community I have found.
    -- Chuck
    Speedcat Hollydale said...
    I find it interesting that most women blog similar to a "public diary". Most men write about a certain subject matter, comedy, or topic related information.
    rossel said...
    Very well said.

    I was just inspired by a friend to blog. At first it's just a past time. Now, I want to share my point of views in some social issues.

    Hope you could visit my site...

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