May 07, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Natal day is birthday 's synonym. Actually the meaning is just the same {what could synonym mean? (~_~) }. Actually it was just 2 days ago, and it's just now am back to my normal business here.. heheheh.. I would like to thank all to the folks who greeted me that day and some in advance. I really appreciate of your thoughts. It is greatly appreciated. In fact, I would come back here for this post to enumerate the names of the person who greeted me as an appreciation for them and also as my record. My happiness doesn't requires very expensive ones, in fact am a shallow person when it comes to it. I can be happy if you heartily gave it to me. Greetings or some makes me feel am at the clouds already. Yeah it sounds funny and weird for some but that counts for me. Am not that very sensitive before when it comes to my birthday in fact I remember, I only went to church to celebrate it. As I grow older, it's just the time that am so very particular about this. It's my very most important occasion, event or whatever you call it for myself - that's what I treat it. I count who remembers me and my existence here in this beautiful world we're in of that day. I don't know but whether you believe me or not it's three times already that I thought I won't exist anymore. And every once a year I remember it, and it falls on my birthday. Thank you my family and family circles, friends and relatives, to my husband of course for being with me and for loving me. Words are not enough to thank Almighty God for letting me be here, experience HIS grace and goodness. Thanks to him and to you! Thanks a lot!


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