June 10, 2009

I have been given free product to review from Vantzen Products, Inc. I am paid of a modest amount of money but of course of an honest review. The product arrived yesterday . And the image above is the product that I took after it arrived. You can click the image to enlarge.

I haven't heard of BugZip products before. I only knew that there's a pouch for girly stuff that similar to BugZip products which I like very much. According to the company, BugZip is a bed bug encasement especially designed for advanced resistance to bed bugs.

Me and hubby didn't travel that much nowadays but I would like to use this if we do(one day) thinking that it is good for the health. Neither me nor my husband don't want to be beaten by bed bugs. Bed bugs are just too difficult to handle because it is invisible in our naked eyes.
BugZip is made up of vinyl which is too slippery for bed bugs to climb up, so it is a great deterrent. It i s better to be aware and do the prevention before we will be having a bed bug.

Upon seeing the products arrive at our home, I could say it is good. I like it since it was what I expected and arrived in proper time.
It came of four different sizes: Medium, Large, Garment, and Drawer perspective all in one pack.Below are images of how Bugzip is use:

for more of these images, visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/bugzip/

Since I wasn't able to travel yet, what I did is that
put on my purses and shoes. I also put my laptop case which I only use when needed. Below are the pics of what I did at home to keep away from dust directed to my belongings and of course for bug prevention. Thanks God that we don't have bed bug in the house(since we didn't experience itchiness) so what I did with the product is this:

my purses/bags

my laptop case, and shoes/sandals

-- and am happy of the outcome and thankful of the person who invent this product as well as the company. Have a pleasant day folks! Remember to keep-away from bed bugs!


  1. niko said...
    wow nice ah!!! ur very organized pla cai!! :)
    Cacai M. said...
    Thank you ganda, yep hubby and most peeps who knew me well said that I am an organized person. I want to make things, stuffs, and etc. in order. Again thanks Nikzganda.. hope to see you often..

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