July 30, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

When talking about colon cleansing , I remember my Aunt Guelia(deceased now--pray for her) who was diagnosed in colon cancer. She's a sister of my father and lots said that we're of the same face figure and etc. Anyway, I don't know what's the cause about it but am quiet positive that colon cleansing is good of it before having the cancer. Lots of money saved of her family and their savings in order for her to be saved but unfortunately to no avail. I was sad of that time watching her hairs fell down and she was even bald. I remember how many times she was in chemotherapy but sad to say she wasn't saved because it's acute already. I just hope she's happy in heaven now watching her family here on earth. So, take good care of your health folks! Health is wealth!

1 Comment:

  1. Analou and Bones said...
    Colon cleansing are quite popular now. People are really taking care of themselves. My hubby's mom died because she had something in her colon. I can't remember what it was. In fact I am planning to buy medicine for colon cleansing one of this days. Love yah!

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