August 10, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

I don't normally go outside during hot/humid days just like these days that it's summer season but if I do, I have something to put on my skin to protect from UV rays. I don't have a very nice skin but I am taking good care of it because it looks awful to see it when it's dry. Can you imagine it folks? (~_~) Americans though love sun for tanning! For me, I used of carrying umbrella (or something that could cover my body) ever since I was young(taught by grandparents). And with that I still sometimes use it in here. But hubby said its awkward(he didn't use it for sunshine only when it rains) so, I just only use it sometimes...(~_~) but hey, it is not bad! It's Asian culture as I see, the city where I(with hubby) live now is an Asian community so am in.. heheh.. (~_~) , well not really because I don't know how to speak Mandarin. I hope I can so it's not hard to find job here nearby. It's good to be multi-language to communicate different people of its own language.

So now back to the topic... (~_~) With the hot sunshine nowadays, I would recommend everyone(not only Americans or residents here in America but all concern) to put sunscreen lotion every time you go out under the sun instead of normal lotion for your hand and body even if you use umbrella or not. For your face, be sure to put moisturizer with sunscreen protection. Also use face powder with SPF. So sunscreen protection is very important if you want to preserve your skin. I hope it helps on you because that's what I did and do for myself. Have a happy summer fun!


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