August 25, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Do you have a problem with multiple remotes at home? How's your multiple remotes doing? What are your frustrations in having multiple remote? How does it affect you and your family member? Do you want to simplify your entertainment system with only a single remote?

our multiple remotes at home

The above image is our multiple remote
. We have remotes for television, DVR, DVD player, component, and portable DVD player. Though, our remotes come in different sizes it is still difficult to identify which is which. Many times when we want to turn on the television we must first get the other remote. Usually, hubby tune-in the television with the component remote. It is a hassle because we cannot directly tune in what we want. It is time consuming and frustrating. Whew! Too many remotes, too many buttons!

Yamaha neoHD remote is the answer of this problem. I reviewed this product recently and I found out that it is family-friendly . It is a remote that meet our need and easy to use. My husband is a simple person and definitely he likes simple things. With advanced technology and user-friendly operation of Yamaha neoHD, he will surely check this out. With one remote, we can have complete control of our entertainment system, with an immersive sound equals endless of enjoyment!

check out how to use Yamaha neoHD at If you are a Facebook user, follow neoHD on Facebook for more details.

Please leave a comment on this post if you have had an experience with multiple remotes that you would like to share.


  1. dubster said...
    Na busy d i ang karya sa grasya. wala mn mi na qual ani karon.
    Dana said...
    Hahaha... you have so many remote there.
    nikogirl said...
    lam mo ok nga tong isang remote lang.. prang sa CLICK.. :)
    budiawanhutasoit said...
    same as me Cai...even me, has more than 5 remote control.
    anyway, nice review sis...

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