January 04, 2010

posted by: Cacai M.

Having a car is a very nice feeling not only physically but the very important part the inside feeling. I said a feeling physically to the fact that you can go any road journey you wish to go as you like. Stuffs and works are accessible, you just only have to drive and minutes after you're there then unlike if you will have to run or walk just to make it. There is really a difference. You will have to get by and you have it already. Now, what about the inside feeling? Well, it is part of security when having a private transportation. You don't need to beg or wait so you can do and make the appointment you likely to attend. It is a mix feeling of comfort and security. And now what about the cons of having it? Aside from gas bill, maintenance, insurance, and monthly bills (if got it through credit), you need to think when accidents happen. I know insurance will handle it(because in USA, you cannot have your driver's license without car insurance), but the fact that it is unsure of whether the owner of the other party will get the damage part, it is then a risky one. Collisions are awful. Well, I don't have to be in negative part because car here in USA is important. And collisions will be taken cared of automotive shops like body shops Irvine and such. Driver or owner will just have to take an extra careful when driving. And also there are just others who are doing their foolishness in the road and sometimes no matter how good drivers are careful, they will still hit by an accident and that is due to other party. That's one of the factor that need to consider when getting a car and driver's license. It's just like an scout who should have to ready all the time and prepare for the consequences whatever it is. Just be fair to others and God will take good care of the others. I believe that respect begets respect and now that is an attitude that every driver should practice. Just follow the law of the Department of Motor Vehicles and all will be fine. So which is which, car for now or later? :-)


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