February 17, 2010

You might heard some of the sayings about hemorrhoid that one of its cause is eating chili foods. Now, do you believe such saying? Is it paradoxical statement, superstitious belief, or what? What do you think? Though I do not know if this is science proven but I guess it is not science-proven one. Some said it is paradox and some said it is not. Which is which? Have you heard about quack-doctor (not a licensed medical doctor, such person just acquire his/her skill through experience)? Quack-doctors and hearsay say it all. Now, if it true that peeps who are fond of eating chili foods are prone to hemorrhoids, then I would also like to know if quack-doctors and hearsays have the proof of having some cure for hemorrhoids relief so I can then comprehend and some peeps who are skeptic. Ooh well, that is a battle over science study and experience. I leave it out to you to for now what is the next. :-) The fact that a having hemorrhoid problem is no joke. :-(


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