pork bokchoy soup
This Friday, my entry for Food Trip Friday is the one above, a pork bokchoy soup. This is my first time actually of eating bok-choy though the taste is just the same to "pechay". I can always see this vegetable (bokchoy) when am on the market though am not am not sure what is this and to think that its appearance is just similar to "pechay", I was ecstatic to taste of it (well, just only this week) though am so fond of eating "pechay" in my country home. It is just that there is a difference of its appearance and I can only sometimes get pork at the same time since DH is not that fond of pork (he likes beef more), so am just only the one who will eat pork more. Sometimes, I just go for beef instead of getting pork because the lazy in me strikes sometimes --- lazy to cook another recipe. :) So that is it, I was able to get a small bag of bok-choy and cook a soup out of it with a pork and a lot of spices I put on. I currently love to have a lot of bell peppers though I put also put ginger, tomato, a dash of salt and a little rings of onion. :) Soup is good at early in the morning by the way, though am a night owl person but I really manage to cook it at early, well, my stomach also longs for a hot foodie so I was pushed to cook it early. :) Then, I paired it with a little rice.
Have a fun food tripping this Friday folks.. Enjoy.. :-D
Enjoy your weekend,Cacai!^_^
Have a fun weekend :D
bigger size nga lang, lol!
Happy Friday!!!
@ Te Willa, ganoon ba? nyahaha.. ig-no pala ako.. lol.. seriously, I did not really know if that so.. now I know? Thanks for being here Te Wil.. happy weekend too! ~hugs~
! "Guiltless Grub", thanks and thanks for being here.. ~hugs~
sos tamili lagi ning atong mga bana woi....ehehhee....:)
laag ko dire madam sis....thanks for letting me know about my PR...na lagi nibalik na ang PR pero wala man gihapon opps...lol!
Happy weekend, sister..opss drop by for some buko salad!
blowing peachkisses
The Peach Kitchen
peach and things
btw, g grab diay nko imong badge sis.