April 12, 2010

I got this image from a wood blinds website to which I so love to have it one day, its just like of how it is in place like above. I will keep this in memory for sure. Well, it depends actually what type and color of blinds would blend to the color of the or the window place. Wooden color is also a cool one, it cools off its surroundings and soft to the eyes. It just got me fascinated anything with wood and wood color. I remember back in my childhood hometown, I saw a concrete stairs and house but the constructor colored it like a wooden house --- it's so really cool and you could not tell it is concrete one. But of course the house need to have concrete foundation so it would last for long years and you would like to have the furniture and fixtures wooden just like a wooden blinds. Looking forward to that time when my DH and I would already have our own house. :) Good luck to us.. he he heh.. hope it will be very soon.. :)


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