October 16, 2010

Who among you in here is currently hungry, well, include me on your list then. :) I want to eat already yet my other half is buying something and I am thinking it is more delicious than what is in here. I have to hold-on my hungriness until he'll be home. Time check, it's three o'clock and thirty-seven minutes. Can you imagine of I just ate one piece of banana fruit after I got out of bed to prepare DH corn corn flakes with milk as his breakfast. Okay, we got up after 11 a.m. and so close to 12 noon already. I am a night-owl due to some arrangement and have to guard-up someone at night. Okay, am just home at night, not outside. 

Time check: 4: 25 p.m. and I just ate. I stopped scribbling since DH got home. And we ate, okay it's burger and fries for me and just former choice for him. Then for drinks, we have lemon-ice tea in can (the taste is awesome and it's 99 cents per can, we had it  for drinks  aside from water like three+ months in a row and so far it's not monotonous) the drink from Carl's Jr is still there in the ref, haven't touch. And that's it. Enough, oops, I also ate some pork rind (chicharon in tagalog) too. Then toothbrush, had put a pair of teeth whitening strip currently, had one pair so I thought I would utilize it since the husband put it outside the box or maybe the other pair had him use. Unsurprisingly my teeth aren't sensitive unlike I had its bleaching last year which I paid 300 bucks, insurance won't cover it since it's beyond primary need. The bad was my teeth were too sensitive which it didn't last until end, in short, I didn't get what it has offered. It hurts but I can't get my  money back. I thought I had half what I expected. That's it. Anyway, am already full now and had my minutes of standing after eating so it's fine with my tummy, it won't bulge and won't get any feverish because of not following etiquette after eating. Ha ha! Okay, I admit I do that sometimes, but then it's only sometimes or else it's still my tummy would be hurt. That's all folks! I hope you all are great. Have a great weekend!


  1. ☺lani☺ said...
    LOL! I'm eating right now, I'm having spaghetti :), Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
    Treat and Trick said...
    Hi Cacai, thanks for the visit. Just had my Nasi Lemak (Cocunut Milk rice & the gang). Have a nice weekend...
    Mel Avila Alarilla said...
    We have to be regular in our eating habits and must avoid skipping meals. If overeating is bad, skipping meals or late meals are also bad for they may lead to hunger pangs or worse, ulcers. There may be little things like crackers or biscuits to nip on while our food is not ready or has not arrived yet. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
    CaptainRunner said...
    I had a great weekend. Enjoy the week ahead.
    kathy said...
    Sis, I'm hungry right now.. Do u have left-over hamburgers and fries?? hehehe

    anne said...
    my youngest daughter love corn flakes hehehe

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