January 22, 2011

Okay, this post has been late (actually there more than four posts with only few words I deleted since I am already ashame on you, being late, published late) and please bear with me one more late after this. Sorry about it. I have already this and hope you understand, well, that is not a biggie deal on you anyway. And thanks! ;-)

This day, I am sharing you my shrimp "sinigang" (sour kind) soup with cabbage, green onion leaves, and siningang mix. Oops with water of course.. he he! And yep, I wanted to have a fresh green beans that time to go with it but to no avail. So I just content myself to what I had. Even without the green beans, it was fine and the taste and looks great to eat as what you can see below. You can even enlarge it by clicking the image should you like. Just a tip, you will know that it is "sinigang" by looking at its soup, it is brownish and when you taste it, it's sour which I love most at times, when I crave that is. :-)
Happy eating! ;-)


  1. analou said...
    kalame dane Baje. Hope you have a nice day
    Cacai M. said...
    Thanks baje.. mao jud.. :) Just got back from school. And by the way, u too, have a great day! ;)
    caloy said...
    huuwaw!! sinigang na hipon! sarap yan.. that's my dad's favorite...

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