January 09, 2011

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I have been meaning to post a surprise Christmas virtual friendship gift of me  which I received the day before yesterday from a blogger mommy virtual friend of mine Mrs. Mary Anne T. (surname is being hidden to protect her privacy but if it's okay with her, I would do it with no second thoughts but for now, this is just what I can tell aside from her three blogs) of Mary Anne's Musings, Little World of Fun and my little home blogs who is from Davao, Philippines. I didn't expect she sent me this as I thought we have only to exchange greeting card (which so sadly haven't been able to do it, even one which I thought it's disappointing of my tradition started wayback two years ago and felt with a word to her that for some reason, I wasn't able to. Thanks she understood. I will just make up to her the next time around.) Actually, she told me days ago (I guess after Christmas, not so sure with the date) that she sent me and if it already arrived. I did not realized that she paid P420 (or $10 at 1=P42) aside from the gift and fare of going to and fro in the post office.  She exerts money, time and effort. With that, she really has to be appreciated, who wouldn't? Wow! I was and still touched with her thoughts (a big bookmark with a very touching thoughts on it as written by Laura Medley as "To: My Very Good Friend" and a native bag (a size of 16 by 14 as length by width) off-white color bag made in the city where she resides now with her daughters. Indeed, who wouldn't be surprised with it? No one but everyone and me if you were on that situation. All smiles, left and right chick. What a day! It made me happy that somehow there is a person whom even I did not meet in real life, appreciates of who I am, and vice versa as I so appreciate of what kind of person she is. A person who is kind, not only to her siblings  (which she selflessly gave-up her house for her siblings) but also to her friends and am glad am one of those. Thanks a bunch sis Anne! You really made my day! God bless you and your family and more blessings to your kind heart! I'll make it up to you sis! Muahhh! ~hugs&kisses~

Diary, keep it in memory.


  1. anne said...
    Thanks for the overwhelming thoughts girl, I really appreciated it. I always truly believe that friendship, even how far they are for each other, it always the thought that counts. Thanks a bunch for this wonderful message, nakakataba ng puso talaga.
    Cacai M. said...
    You're welcome and at the same time, thanks again sis.. oops maybe I should call you sometimes "girl" as what you called me. That won't be bad, right? hehhe.. muahhh!

    By the way, you deserve it girl because that is what you are. God bless you more! ~hugs&kisses~

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