May 29, 2011

 I love eating broccoli, who wouldn't? Okay, some folks don't especially the carnivores. :-) But of course herbivores like me love it much! Myself just like to eat broccoli when it's only ready-to-eat. I don't know about you but usually (well, not most of the time as the word speaks *wink) when I am the one cooking it, I feel monotonous and don't like eating at all after cooking. I guess because I can smell it while cooking such. I was already full because of its smell. Ha! :-P Okay, yeah am just kidding aside but am serious. How many times I bought uncooked broccoli because I want to cook it but in the end, it will just rotten. So sad but I can't get it cook. I don't know but I always forgot it. Eeeh! But when you say, eat the cooked broccoli (unless if its fresh or salad-alike), I won't pass that! Gimme some!

What about you, do you like eating broccoli like me?

1 Comment:

  1. analou said...
    I love broccoli Baje. I just usually steamed it and dip it in vinegar with salt. Love it.

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