August 28, 2011

(Post contributed by Hilton Miranda)

Moving is always a total money suck but when we had to move the whole family from the east coast to California I thought we’d never get out of the hole. Unfortunately my husband’s new job wasn’t going to be paying for the move so everything from the moving truck to the movers had to be paid for by us. It took 6 days to drive out there, too, with all the kids and cars and such and boy were we too exhausted to do any unpacking when we got there. I concentrated on administrative stuff like calling the security company to come out and going to, and my husband had to work on the AV side. He spent hours putting up our TVs and stereos and we didn’t even have the couch set up to sit and watch it on! Anyway, now it’s three months later and I finally think we’ve paid off all the moving expenses and we’re very nearly moved all the way in. It was a trying time for our family!


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