August 05, 2011

My kitchen journey was low. I was not able to cook for dinner viands for two-three quiet days already. I used to cook food in lump sum when it comes for me. Lump sum means, in bulk cooking and the rest will be kept refrigerator for the next meal(s). *grin* It's a bit of laziness but it saves me time and effort, besides, it's okay for my appetite. If I like the food/viand, I like to eat such in consecutive way then that's it. So grab the opportunity. :-) Lately, DH told me to cook rice since he will going to get something from his office to pair with it. Of course, I did it. Then he came and brought deli-food, the ready-to-eat pulled-pork in a beautifully-made pouch. Sure, I love the taste but it is quite spicy. I cannot eat deli foods (seldom is fine) and spicy ones as well because it is not good for pregnant women like me. But then I ate a little and as I said, it tasted good. I will ask DH to get me foods which are not spicy and let him remember that or else I have to look for another foods good for me. Anyway, how was yours? What's your dinner? I hope you had a good time!

Have a great day!


  1. Mel Avila Alarilla said...
    Yes, it's practical to cook in bulk and store the remainder in the ref. I hope your hubby remembers not to bring home spicy food since they're not appropriate for you. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
    Cacai M. said...
    Yeah, I hope he will Kuya Mel. :-) Thanks for your additional input!

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