October 09, 2011

I love collecting postcards! That's one hobby of mine. Well, I may not be one to share their enthusiasm but it does bring a delightful feeling getting letters from the mail. And I bet these people spend countless of hours waiting by their mailboxes to check whether a new postcard from Ethiopia or the Philippines has arrived. Maybe they would even consider updating their good old wooden mailbox to one of those Classic Mailboxes or their Gaines Mailboxes, just so they can have a better thing to look at as they expect a mail. Maybe one of them will opt for any of those Keystone Mailboxes available online, it will be a fitting thank you gift for all the goodies their mailboxes are spewing.

I know quite a good number of people who are into swapping postcards with people from different parts of the globe. They are such postcard enthusiasts that they can go on and on about their collection and their rather famous hobby. They would swap with people from as obscure as a little town in India or a very well-distinguished state in America. They also collect different sort of postcards and regard them as their most precious possession.


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