February 14, 2012

How was your Valentines Day everyone? I hope you guys enjoyed it as you like it to be. Some others don't celebrate such because they said they are already celebrating it everyday. Yes, it is. But for me, every 14th of 2nd month of the year has to be something special for two hearts in-love or if you have no special someone of opposite sex, no worries. VD has to be unique than any other day. Be it in a simple way or the fancy one, nonetheless, as long as you don't forget to celebrate it. How? Maybe just by giving some flowers, necktie pin, maybe hat or anything (or something) that special to someone/family circle loves or like to have. It is a bonus if it last long. The flowers (shown in the images) which my DH gave it to me was advance (yes, he gave it lately, the evening of 13th) as there's some story about it. It is a bonus to my part. :-) DH actually don't like giving flowers to me at first (three years ago was his first of handing me flowers and from that year onward he swallow his pride just for me. I know it's sweet of him.), but he then realized that what counts is what makes me happy. I can recall he has something for me in every occasion and that mostly jewelry. To cut the cost off (which I decided myself), I tell my DH days before that I only want flowers and nothing else (well, to get batteries of my watches too, it's so simple I know. But I like it this way, this is me and nothing but what I like/want. *wink*). And he did, I am truly happy wifey. Less cost! Savvy, eh? ;-)

 I don't care if it won't last as long (this bouquet of flowers lasts a week after valentines because of the flower foods to put in a liter of water and place in a vase where the flowers sit) as the money equivalent won't. It's the thought that counts, you know. And that's how am being happy at the same time we save. :-)

Let's not forget guys that Valentines Day is not only for lovers but also for family circle and alike. So all hearts can enjoy. Now, enjoy responsibly! :-)


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