April 30, 2012

Haiizzzt, you know, right! Some person just have to wake-up in the middle of the night to feed the baby daughter. Actually, it was passed 1:00 A.M. already that time. Then made a lemon-maple sugar-free with cayenne juice. And since the lemon juice just only little left, I then immediately made more aside from the reason of I didn't want my lemons will be rotten as it were already going to such. Then I did! Yes, I did the squeezing of the five (5) grocery bags which has a total weight of 31+ lbs large lemons unto the juicer, strained, put in the container and the routine work mentioned.

And the journey continued in the kitchen alone, whilst the housemates were busy sleeping. Aright! Yes! But then that's the only time I had so I grabbed the chance. And it went fine. It went fine of four hours standing and squeezing and such! Oops, there was also an extra work of putting the done lemon shells along with its little left juices to the kitchen upper tiles. And so that was it. I did it all! Good luck to my next step, my main goal. :-) Guess.. :)


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