August 28, 2012

Because of my busy days, I still did not have time to change some of my old templates here! It is hard to find one that really fits on my taste. Okay, I have to tell you that I really like this lay-out of mine and I even let someone put this layout on and I then accentuated it myself like the color, arrangements and stuffs. And I have no plan of changing this main layout but just the arrangements and some minor ones. Then, I found a lot of new templates and downloaded it to my computer and after all it did not work. So I decided to have a pause in searching. Err!
We know that one way of changing blog's layout is to let it customized and find someone who can design but, you have to get ready your pocket for that, yes, it cost too much. I think one template cost 30USD or more, it depends on the design that you like. The only good thing to have customized template is the originality and I admit that working online with your good looking blog helps the motivation. I already had experienced it before. So just hope to find time (okay, maybe budget too) and can do the customization on my other sites. Well, if you guys know someone that offers cheap services please do leave comments here, that will help me when I would consider other person to do it at time. I will surely appreciate it. Thanks in advance. :-))


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