September 03, 2012

It seems like it is always a struggle for me nowadays to get into fresh from my kitchen foods. You know, I am a mommy who is so hands-ful to my family, yes not only to my daughter Sam since I am  not only a mommy but a wife and housewife. :-) Okay, my husband gave me a break since Friday and I hope it would be until Monday (Monday is holiday here in USA honoring for Labor Day holiday). Wink. I said "break" or a bit of day-off because I can sleep as I want (though not too long but it is such sweet if you somebody's does the job you are handling like giving milk to the precious princess, putting the laundry to the washing machine).

Then I woke-up feeling hungry and scouring in the kitchen what to eat (or what to cook). DH likes me to cook corned beef which I just simply turned it down because I like to have an easy-minute food which landed my mouth to a canned fish or sardines which I got to open the "hot ligo sardines" and mixed it with vinegar, salt and a little salt then ate it with rice along with Dr. Pepper soft-drink (my favorite drink as of the moment after meals).

Then suddenly DH requested again to cook for corned beef to which I wrongfully-thought lately for me to eat it. Ha! The thing is, he requested it for him to eat or viand. Ha! And so I cooked the big can of "Pam" corned beef I bought online. It is my first time to try this corned beef and I can say it is delicious. I heat it up with a diced of garlic and onions (of course a little olive oil with it to brown), along with a dash of salt. Minutes after it was cooked. But before that, I got to cook for rice. And so dinner had been great. I even ate twice. Ha! :-)


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