September 02, 2012

Thinking of preparing a food for the table is sometimes made me hard to think. As much as possible, I wanted to prepare food that hubby would like to eat as well. He is not picky, but there are foods that he is not allowed to eat. I wouldn't like to prepare a food that only me will eat. If that’s the case, I would just cook a little. As I mentioned on my previous post, I cooked shrimps, and I ate it all. Geee! I know it is not good for me if I ate too much. I would surely break my figure (Oh! As if I have a perfect figure, but for hubby, yes I have. Lol).

By the way, my little princess has been doing great these past few days, and I am so glad that after her surgery, I could see improvements on her health. She can now play, smile, and enjoy her milk. My journey as a mother has just been started, and I will try my very best that I could give her a good life with the help of my husband, of course. I know I still have a lot of things that I should learn as a mother, and I am willing to learn these things for the sake of my child. Back to the food that I wanted to prepare for tonight, Uh! Oh, I still don't know yet. I guess I have to check first what's in the fridge or pantry right now, so I could decide what to cook for tonight.


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