October 25, 2012

Whether you’re buying or selling, whether you’re going online or working the traditional auction-house circuit, here’s how to gain more with less pain. You may like to join DealDash. As it has been said it is fair, reliable, risk free alternative to penny auctions.

 Here’s how to join. Register your name so you could join the bidding. Registration is free. However, before you could start bidding, you are required to purchase bids first. The initial bid costs start at 60 cents, and it must be purchased before bidding. If you lose, no worry for you can get back all your bids.

 So, why DealDash risks free? As I have mentioned above, if you lose all your bids, you can buy the item you were bidding for a regular price, and you can also get back all the bids from your first bid pack purchase for free. You may like to checkout Deal Dash for a chance to save more money from your pocket. It’s 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the system. Check it out for yourself!


  1. Mel Cole said...
    nice to know another site where you can find great deals. thanks for the share mommy.
    jheylo said...
    i've tried participating an auction website before and i've won a couple of stuff, which is fun and can be addicting too.
    Rcel said...
    i have never experienced auction buying except at eBay. i should check out this one that you're recommending, Cai! :)
    SassyChick said...
    I do use auction sites but I haven't tried DealDash yet...I will check them out, Thanks!
    Anonymous said...
    this is very interesting! i haven't done it before but willing to try as well. I would definitely would if i have enough money to lose hehe
    Bless said...
    Another site to check out before my Christmas shopping begins. It is always a good thing to find ways where we can save when buying stuffs.
    Mommy Glen said...
    this is great..i might try to check out this one later ....

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