My Other Blog:

December 03, 2012

Being sick kills! Specially if you are living away from your parents. The care that your parents can give cannot be given by anybody that surrounds you. I am so afraid to get sick, that is the only thing I am asking from above to have a good health. Anyway, I read something on how to protect against cold. and I would like to share  that to you my dearies to get some information about it. And here it is:

1.) Wash your hands too often, and make it always clean.
2.) Do not smoke , smoking brings a lot of bad to our health.
3.) Avoid touching your face – this is I read online and this move can help you prevent against cold especially the eyes, mouth and nose areas.
4.) Make sure that your household is clean.
5.) Use paper towels to clean or disinfect.
6.) If someone in your family is affected with that virus, keep yourself away from him/her.
7.) Throw tissues away after use
8.) Control Stress – good not to be stress at all, this brings bad health. If possible think positively.
 9.) Get yourself a flu shot.

Hope this helps!


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