April 20, 2013

Disclosure: I received the above item for the purpose of a review. This is a 100% honest personal opinion of mine. I am in no way compensated in return for a review. *Just a reminder, we may share the same idea but your thoughts and opinions might vary from mine.*

Pictures above show what I did to my hair. I curled it with the help of a hair straightener. Did I say "hair straightener" ? You may think it sounds odd but Yes, it is a straightener stuff to curl my very own crowning glory, my hair. But nope, even if it is just a hair straightener, it doesn't mean that it is only use to straighten hair but rather, you can do it as long as you like, provided that it brings out the best of it, just like what I did. Or shall I say it does its job more than its name. Yes, I did curled my hair with such stuff. And look what's the end result. I'm a happy camper. And the best of all, again, it does its job straightening my little curvy natural black hair.

 Karmin G3 Salon Pro Black Tourmaline Ceramic Flat Iron / Hair Straightener does great to my hair. The fact that it is ceramic and its not that bulky and heavy, is what I like of it. It also comes with handle that whenever I like to do something other than such, I'm in the middle of my hair regimen process, I can put it in that stand after turning off, without worrying it will get wet or dirty. It is intact with that thing. Also it comes in package with Macadamia Natural Oil Moisturizing Shampoo and KQC Thermal Shine Spray (142g) to bring out the shine of my hair when it is damage in the long run pr so (it's a normal thing that hair got damage, thanks goodness to that shampoo and that spray stuff. I sprayed my hair with that KQC Thermal Shine Spray before I did the curling and yes, it does wonder.

And the best part is, I can always straighten my hair every time I like because it is equipped in package of such stuffs whenever my hair needs such pampering. Option and choices matter.

I can say my first time to do this was worth it. It took some time for me to finish because as you know it was my first time and I wanted it done close to perfect.

Thought I love what I have now, but still I long to own such flat iron curler they have. Hemmm.. I have to put it in my wishlist now. 


  1. zoan said...
    your hair looks great! ;) I don't know how to make use of my hair straightener though..
    Cacai M. said...
    Thank u Zoan. At first, I did not know that it would be possible but it did! :) On d other hand, you will know when u start tinkering longer on ur straightener. :)

    Thanks for being here by the way! ;)
    Gven-Rose said...
    you have a very long hair and beautiful, my cousin would love to have this iron
    jheylo said...
    I wish i have patience and knowledge in restyling my own hair. I have flat iron but it's just sitting in the corner.
    jheylo said...
    This flat iron is very helpful if we want to straighten our curly hair in just minutes :)
    Anonymous said...
    I love their selection of products. Particularly the KSQ heating protectant, they're so effective which makes hair styling so much easier.
    SheyLuvz said...
    It's a tool to make your hair look different when you go out. I actually don't know how to use this stuff. I pitched for this product and im excited to get it on the mail. Thanks for sharing
    Chubskulit Rose said...
    First of all, I love your dimple hehehe. I like those stuff!
    Mary Anne Vinzon said...
    You look good on your curly hair. It's best to use to achieve the style of hair you want even without going to the salon.
    Mommy Kaye @ I Love Keisha said...
    Flat iron is waht I also use to curl my hair. And, it actually curls better and lasts longer than the real curler.
    Victoria said...
    Thanks for sharing this information. I am currently in the market for a new flat iron so I will definitely check out this brand.
    G-boy Laxamana said...
    Such an amazing iron, My wife gonna love this..
    Jade @ DivaFabulosa.com said...
    I think it's the first time I have seen the face behind the blog...:)

    Your hair looks great and so do you!
    Shela said...
    Prettyful Cai! Curly looks good on you! I have flatiron from them too and love every bit of it!
    mommy peach said...
    I used to iron out my hair to keep it straight but I had it rebonded a couple of months ago so I don't need it anymore.

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