August 30, 2013

About the end of the conversation in the Skype with my immediate maiden family in the Philippines, my youngest sister Lovely had a conversation in her phone from Unilab that they're going to deliver something. And I humbly shouted that it's the Swish that they gave out sample for review in exchange of my/our honest opinion. And I am one of the lucky juror (ah ha! Wink*) to be sent of this product. With the approval of my co-blogger who handle as a middleman, I have my my maiden family there as my recipient.

Mouthwash is a must here in our home in USA (and I bet in most home, if not every home) and alcohol-free is the best. The alcohol-free by the way is the new upgrade mouthwash from "with-alcohol" (apparently). Since this upgrade product is also new in the Philippines, I did not hesitate to say "yes" for my family there in the Philippines to try the new mouthwash, yes --- Swish. It's flavor is a taste of mangosteen fruit to which according to them is refreshing and they can really taste the fruit flavor on it. Yes, they like it! Their verdict is 5/5. Awesome. :-)


  1. Janice said...
    Its nice to write journals to have something to remember things, events and people by (aside from photographs) ;) And oh.... I hope you still remember me hehehe I am back in the blogging world and will be for good ^_^ I am sooooo glad to see you're still active in your blog! ^_^ God Bless!
    Cacai M. said...
    Hi Janice,

    Thank you for dropping-by! I can only wish you left ur link so I can visit you too! ❌💋❌💋👯
    Janice said...
    Hi Cacai!

    Sorry, forgot to leave my link lol its been soooo long since I last did the blogging stuff hehehe anyway, my link is at:

    p.s. just changed my blog's looks and will edit/change the widgets and apps later too ^_^

    Thanks Cai! ^_^

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