Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

July 27, 2013

Last Saturday, the 13th of July, I cut my own V-Style long black hair. This was not the first time I did this. Though, I already practiced cutting hair (straight-cut and front slashed only) of my cousins and some friends as well as mine way back in my birth country when I was still young, but I most done it here in USA (where I live now with my American husband and child). It's not hard for me as I am used to it, as I said I already practiced it there.

It has been long time that I was not able to do it, I thought I was not able to do it perfectly but when my husband said (by the way he's very particular of my hair) I did it perfectly or straightly just what I can imagine, only then I said unto myself that I did a great job. Not to brag but I'm just telling the truth. Ha! If you're here personally, then you can see. :-)

Have a great day! Spread the positive vibes! Life is too short to spend and worry stupid things --- just live, laugh and love.  :-)

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