Showing posts with label ice creams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice creams. Show all posts

November 20, 2012

It has already been months that this mommy (yours truly) hasn't been able to grab an ice cream for myself because every time I can get a hold of the ice cream that I used to love, my partner teased me that it would make me fat. True! --- And that's because I love to ate it, I just imagined myself grabbing those once a chance (well, I had always a chance because it was always in our ref. Imagine the calories I can get. Okay, that was before. This mommy want to get her pre-pregnancy body back. I am a mommy who is a goal-oriented to have that desirable body. In short, I am in diet to get that figure that I want. *wink*

I was delighted to know from a co-blogger about this Arctic Zero ice cream desserts. Ooh yeah, an cream of 150 calories per pint. I love the idea of  "a protein shake in ice cream form!" .Gosh, I then told my husband about it that if by chance, I would like to try it. And lo and behold, I got it! Happy me. :) I got to try the different flavors they have in pints (flavors: chocolate peanut butter, cookies and cream, mint chocolate cookie, chocolate, coffee, , strawberry, vanilla maple, pumpkin spice) and bars (in 4-pack box with 2 chocolate and 2 vanilla, and the other one is in 4-pack box with 2 strawberry and 2 orange cream) as what you can see above. It's not about the taste but what I can put it in my mouth to which I also have the idea of an ice cream. The most what I love is its ingredients are of " no artificial flavors, no artificial flavors and no artificial sweeteners" .

I even shared it with my friends said it is great because it is gluten-free and such. It's good for her daughters and she grabbed one of it. It's great to share it with them. Another friend too has liked it and even her kids (below) loved it.

Thanksgiving will be in two days, you can grab my idea of gift-giving to your friends or family who are fond of ice creams who can afford to consume only a number of calories and other areas they're concern when it comes to health.

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