February 01, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.
our new television

My husband has an old-school attitude especially in technology. He just like what he has as long as it is of clear view and it has lots of channel to be viewed especially sports, news and current events, and military channel. The
day before yesterday, our television just suddenly got shut off we don't know what happened- the only clear is it was the television itself- it's not the electric current nor the cable, so it's really the main stuff. I still remember at Christmas that he wanted to buy a new one- you know we can have a good deal during holidays and some kind of blah blah that time. I just told him twice for the month will end already for January that maybe he forgot, am also excited to have a flat screen and a big lcd screen.. lol.. (~_~). Well, it didn't worked 'til the day that the stuff got shut off as I said earlier. hahahah.. He just used the other television of 20 inches(from the living room) and he can't bear to watch in a very small screen, so the next day (that was yesterday) he purchased immediately with me together with my school stuffs. So, now we have that television on the picture of 31.5 inches flat screen (it's not so very big though but good for our bedroom compared to that old 26"). But I tell you, it's very clear when its small when it's day time and there's a light but still it's more on advantage when it's big flat screen. Moreover, I can watch more on sports especially basketball, football, hockey, and baseball that we enjoy together. As well as the news and current events, Crime Scene Investigation, drama, and history series of the Kingdom of the Wind, and etc. that again- we enjoyed to watch together. Well then, happy viewing folks!


  1. andy in the country said...
    Oh! I understand where your coming from. It's really very hard to have interrupted television service. I work for Dish Network and customers who have technical problems are very upset.

    By the way, what is your cable service provider?
    Cacai_Nad said...
    Thanks Andie for visiting me again. And by the way, so you're a call center agent and from Dish Network, that's nice to know. Unfortunately that's not our television service, maybe we can try that. Wow! It's really hard if there's some technical problems and other when it comes to cable and tv, we're glad it's fine now. Thanks again Andy.. Have a nice day... (~_~)

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