March 04, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

I had a great day today for I got 90% of our final exam lately for one subject which is a telephone techniques and the equivalent is A. Am glad I did it again! heheh.. Ohhh yeah, am not kidding, am telling the truth. I just wanna voice out that the hard work I had is worth it. So the subject is 75WPM for Keyboarding, do you believe that someone got 75 words per minute in 10-key keyboarding or typing?? It's not me huh. Yep there is someone got it! And only one person I know! it's lately together with our Timed Writing Class a chinky-eyes lady(I guess she's a of Chinese blood) took a typing test for certification and yes of no error! It's unbelievable isn't it? 75 Words Per Minute! Do you guys can type it of such speed? Do you know someone who got such score? If yes, comment me so I know. As far as I know it's only 60 or 65WPM. I got once 55 but only once and I have also one error. Am still striving to get an average of 50WPM- for now am still on 40-45 WPM. That 75 is impressive, isn't it? We're(me, my instructors, and my typing classmates) telling her that she could be in world record or in Guinness Book of Record if nothing can beat her! Well, I just share this to you guys for you to know and please let me know too if you know someone. I was very impressed with her and all the of my classmates, we even clapping our hands for appreciation. Anyway, Have a pleasant day all! (~_~) Don't forget to tell me below if you know someone huh? Who knows, someone you know can bet her. Well, type speed can also help us here in blogging world and of some that we like to do in pc when it comes about typing thing, right? So then, how about you guys, how many WPM of speed you got?


Beloved First Commenter : Dhemz


  1. dhemz said...
    wow galing ano...hehhe..I know somebody that can type that fast...MY HUBBY! yes....he proud of him...hehhe...I can't do that...:)

    Grabi sad no...hehhee..ako d man sad ko type mo type uy...hehhehe...ikaw ba cai memorize ba nimo ang keyboard? hheheeh!

    don't worry you will get there...very got an A...kudos with that...great job madam....hehehe!
    Mira said...
    Wow, that's great, very impressive indeed.
    Cacai_Nad said...
    Hello Pretty Madam Sis Dhemz, thanks for the compliment. And ohhhh your hubby can type 75wpm too? wow huh... So, they're now two- much better if they will be in contest of which is which and who is who, right? and we are the judges then. Wow! 'Coz mostly I heard it's 65wpm. About typing it, yep I memorize the keyboard already and I can type using all my fingers- am glad I can do it now, before uh uh. heheh. I only use 3 fingers before 'til hubby bought me a tutorial cd and practiced it but it took me how many months to study it- am really glad and it's worth it. And it's getting more now for I goes to school again regarding this matter that it increases my speed and I can adopt desktop keyboard to laptop one. Thanks again Madam Sis..

    To Ate Mira, yes- it's really impressive indeed. Thanks for the comment ATe Mir.. muahhugs to you and all commenters.

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