March 04, 2009

I was tagged from Shydub entitled YOU SHOULDN'T MEME. So here it is. Thanks Ate Shy for including me in your list. I love awards and memes especially if it has a nice pic, heheh, well, who doesn't want to be recognized? It is a form of bonding and friendship! Again, thank you Te Shy..
The Rules:

1. List these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.

3. Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.

4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

5.Link the person who tagged you.

6.Leave a comment for each blogger.

My Answers:

7 Facts About Myself:

1. I don't like to cook before as I was not yet married but now I like it much. I learn lots of recipes and how-to's but at first it's very funny- I could tell you. hahah.

2.I love all colors but I only wear when there's something that matches of each other. Love the color brown, gray, white, and black but my fave is lavender.

3. Addicted to blogging.

4. Before I hate pizza and durian, now I love it and it's one of my faves.

5. I talk a lot when am happy.

6. I love sleeping especially if something's bother my mind.

7. I have a round-table desk of myself alone for my study-thingy and stuffs aside from my square one.

7 Unspectacular Quirks:

1. If I wanna cry that I don't want to tell somebody, I cry in the shower as the water falls down heavily and with it I can drink to avoid heart-attack!

2. I utter the word sh*t if I got very mad about the situation.

3. If I got lazy, one whole day of dishes got stucked up on my sink (hahahah) but only sometimes.

4. I can cut my hair by myself.

5. Lots of acquaintances told me that I look like 18 or 20 years old by physical. (waahhahah..)

6. I can take half-bathe now for 3 consecutive days before, I can't- headache will go in if only half-bathe.

7. I only do general cleaning in our house once in two months.

And now, I will forward this tag to: Rechie , Dhemz, Ate Vhing, Janice , Ate Cecile , Arniev, and Chelle.
Friends special mentioned in here, grab this tag now...Come on...

Thank You First Commenter : Ceci le


  1. Cecile said...
    Hello dear :-)would love to grab this one, but unfortunately, i already have thins, just not sure which blog i posted it, but will surely add your name on it :-) thanks for the thought anyway, plus don't know what else will i write again :-)
    Arnie :) said...
    Thank you my friend.

    medyo wala pako sa mood ngyn mag post post hehe. will grab this sooner.

    thanks a bunch. xoxox0.
    vhingF said...
    hi...thanks again for this tag but I can't do it now.I'm still not feelin' well.

    grab it soon.
    Chuchie Lopez-Wilks said...
    Thanks sis for the tag..hehehe you...i received your mail today...i will do it sissy..grabe ka busy life faron kay finals na...
    maxi said...
    tagging is fun but sometimes, it is stressful especially when you are busy and that you can't get on with the tagging. i want to reply to all the tags i got but there are times i just couldn't. i just hope that people are not disappointed in me. i do always tell them my reasons anyway and promise to do it on a later date.

    so, you don't like to cook before? ako naman, i love to cook even when i was little. and unlike you, i've been a lover of pizza since i was little and i hated durian, too before... ngayon, hate ko parin. honestly, i never even tasted it my whole life. but my swedish boyfriend loves it.

    anyway, it's my first time to drop by your blog and i am really enjoying my stay here. hope you can drop by my blog, too. hmm. exlinks maybe?

    dropped EC, too.
    Chuchie Lopez-Wilks said...
    Hello Sistah..thanks for this tag...I posted it is the link
    momgen said...
    this is a huge tag ehheheh. anyway just visiting.
    Mira said...
    Good for you, you can sleep even if something's bothering you ;-) I'm the opposite, I can't sleep at all.
    Dhemz said...
    good to know about you cai...hehhee...joker no....thanks for sharing...:)
    Cacai_Nad said...
    Hello Ate Cecile, that's okey I understand Ate. Thanks.

    To Arnie,yep but that's okey Arn 'coz you posted it now already. heheh. Thanks my friends. Muahhugs for you.

    To Ate Vhing, that's okey I understand Ate Vhing, I hope your flu or some get rid of you now. Get well soon Ate and thanks for dropping-by..

    To Sissy Chie, thanks for you did it already. Muahhh.

    To Maxi, you're such a thoughtful friend 'coz you don't fail to tell your friend why you haven't did it yet. God bless you more. And yep I will stop-by on your blog later.

    To Momgen, yep a huge one. And 5 more tags not yet posted. It's fun, right? And thanks for the visit. Muahhugs.

    To Ate Mira, yep I love sleeping whencan something's bothering in my mind and am thankful God of that. Anyway, thanks for leaving your mark here Ate Mir... keep on coming back, huh? muahhhugs.

    To my Pretty Madam Sis Dhemz, thanks for reading and of course commenting, yep joker.. heheh.. lab yah Sis..

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