Showing posts with label Linky Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linky Love. Show all posts

April 21, 2010

Oops! It is better late than never! ;-)This blog would like to thank my Top 10 March 2010 EC Droppers which are coming here often to show their support or as giving a reciprocal drops (*winkz*) or whatever the reasons are, rest assured that it is very much appreciated. With that, you just deserve to recognized. Here you are my top 10 placers (from my/CSJ EC board of statistics from the last 30 days):

(1) People You Need to Know
Category: Marketing
: Behold the Woman! People You Need to Know is dedicated to promoting women in business via print, social media, events, business Expos, radio, etc. Join us in supporting WOMEN in business!

(2) Fact of the Day
Category: Education
Description: Fact of the Day is a project to bring one verified, interesting fact to readers every day in a couple novel formats. Weekly feature articles will educate on a number of topics. Come check us out for today's fact of the day!

(3) Ask Ms Recipe
Category: Cooking and Dining
Description: A food blog like no other where I will answer your recipe questions and include your website with the answers.

(4) BeadedTail
Category: Pets
Description: Antics of two cats and a dog! Plus, we make jewelry for animal lovers with proceeds benefiting animal charities! We're making tails wag one bead at a time!

(5) The Sewing Mom
Category: Parenting and Family
Description: Personal blog showcasing my fabric creations. I also talk about family, friends, hobbies, cooking and daily life.

(6) Business & Life Success
Category: Education
Description: Center for Business Success, Life Success, Management Success and Career Success

(7) Lainy's Musings
Category: Mixed Bag
Description: A blog showcasing my mutterings, random rants, raves and whinings on life's daily maneuvers.

(8) Learning Corner
Category: Education
Description: Center for Personal Development, Professional Learning and Education, Finance, Smart Investment, Business Management, Business Strategy, Leadership, Business Success, Computer, Technology Update, Lifestyle Improvement.

(9) Online Success Centre
Category: Self Improvement
Description: Professional Resources for Online Success.

(10) Learning How To Make Money Online
Category: Make Money Online
Description: Learning How To Make Money Online: Advertise and Be Seen - Entrecard Widget Is Above The Fold!

Dropper # of drops
People You Need to Know 30
Fact of the Day 30
Ask Ms Recipe 30
BeadedTail 30
The Sewing Mom 29
Business & Life Success 29
Lainy's Musings 29
Learning Corner 29
Online Success Centre 29
Learning How To Make Money Online 28

*** Thank you so much all for the time and all the support and the like. ;-) It is really great to have your here folks. ~hugs~

March 06, 2010

Dropper # of drops
Traders' Hub 31
EzGreatLife 30
CAP News 30
My Outsourced Brain 29
Computer Aid 28
Monkey Arcade 27
Lakbay Philippines 27
The Sweet Life 27
Pictures Of Despair 27
Teeming With Stupidity And Weirdness 27

Above are the Top 10 Entrecard Droppers for February month. I would like to thank this ten blogs above for the drops you have given for this blog, the time spent and the future drops, reads and visits. From the bottom of big heart, thank you so much. I am so grateful to have you here. I would also like to thank all the visitors, other droppers, readers and all for your continued support and the future supports as well. :-) Thank you so much and God bless you as always! Thankie! :-) ~hugs&kisses~

January 02, 2010


# of drops

CAP News 31
Secondary Roads 30
Trends Finder 24/7 30
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Jean sQuared 30
$ Secret Money Blog $ by: Bob Matharoo 29
What's Up In Sports Today 28
Lakbay Philippines 27
The Sweet Life 25
Ungkutan 25

I know I am late for posting this--it's half of the next month already but hey, better late than never... :-) I So, those are top 10 December top Entrecard droppers. I expect it would be plus one for this day since it's just more than two hours only after the time change for the new day. I really appreciate you folks on dropping-by on mutually :-).. thanks a lot! See yah at the end of this month.. You guys rock!!!

To those who want to see their respective awesome blogs, feel free to view narrow down the blog dropper column. Have fun and happy entrecarding! :-)

December 02, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Dropper # of drops
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Laane on the World 30
Jean sQuared 30
Trends Finder 24/7 30
CAP News 30
The Sweet Life 29
Greetje greets You 29
Laane Loves 29
Secondary Roads 29
Bits and Pieces 28

So the above blog title with its links are my top 10 November Top Droppers. I have seen mostly of them on my previous monthly droppers and am glad to have them in this blog. Thanks to the entrecarders especially to these droppers above. Hey, you are all appreciated all, okay? Thanks a lot!

I would like to give this "Thank You for Blogging" Award from D of Basic Bloganomics to you my fellow entrecarders and again especial mention to these peeps. And here it is:

Thanks a lot! If not because of you or your blogging hobby, we couldn't connect with each other. Be blessed (as always). Happy entrecarding! Oops.. visit these blogs in here, I tell you they have cool blogs as well (tip: if you take EC dropping seriously, drop them. -- I can assure you they won't let you down, they will drop you back).. see yah there..

November 02, 2009

I would like to thank you my fellow entrecarders especially the top 10 below for being here in this blog of mine, dropping. I have seen there are new who made the top 10. Thanks to you fellas.. I hope to see you this month end - November.
Dropper # of drops
Laane on the World 30
Jean sQuared 29
Bits and Pieces 28
Mom's Place 28
Laane Loves 28
Greetje greets You 28
Wirez and Circuitz 26
Ramblings of a Haemophiliac 26
We live to tell God's Amazing Grace 25
CAP News 25

Thanks and Happy Entrecarding! May the Almighty God bless you as always.. Anyway, I hope to see new faces as well, would you bet to get one of the top10 sit for the month of November? Can I see you this month end? Let us see.. see yah.. again, thanks a lot!

October 02, 2009

# of drops
Bits and Pieces 29
Secondary Roads 28
My Sweet Haven 28
Mom's Place 26
Pure Natural Diva 25
A Little Bit of Everything 25
Jean sQuared 25
Beyond Feron 25
Wirez and Circuitz 24

Thank you so much My September Top 10 EC Droppers! Thank you to all and also to the ec droppers who didn't make it to the top 10. I hope to see you again on first day of next month. Happy entrecarding! (~_~)

September 02, 2009

Whew! Time flies so fast and now it's the first day of September already. December is on the way. Christmas is coming! Don't forget to wrap my gift huh? heheh.. Today(every first day of the month), is the recognition time for top 10 Entrecard droppers from the past month. So now, introducing my top 10:

Droppers: # of drops:
Jean sQuared 30
Bits and Pieces 30
Secondary Roads 30
Wirez and Circuitz 27
Mom's Place 26
A Maiden's Testimony 23
vhingsFoto album 20
My Sweet Haven 19

Please visit them folks! Thanks to every droppers especially these above. Have a good day everyone. hugs!

August 01, 2009

It's the first day of the other month again, and it's time to acknowledge my top 10 loyal visitors/droppers. This is from EC statistics. The table below lists the Entrecard users who dropped their card on this site the most in the last 30 days, and I would like to acknowledge all of my droppers especially the top 10 below, and here they are:

Droppers _____________________ # of Drops

Jean Squared ------------------------> 30
Secondary Roads ---------------------> 30
AUGUSTINIANS ---------------------> 30
Bits and Pieces ----------------------> 27
BMWF1Blog -----------------------> 26
Amazingly Me ----------------------> 25
Remixmax -------------------------> 25
My Sweet Haven --------------------> 25
A Maiden's Testimony -----------------> 24
Wirez and Circuitz --------------------> 24

Thanks a lot to the Top 3 Droppers who visited me daily. I noticed this 3 got all their unbeatable rank. You may like to visit their cool site folks, just click the name of their blog/droppers. Kudos to you! Peeps, would you like to beat this top 10 above? Let's see if you can beat them on this month! see yah!

July 02, 2009

I acknowledge my Top Entrecard Droppers for the month of June(day 1-30). This is from the record of Statistics in EC site. I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart and all of the droppers who didn't make to top 10, yet, drops me as often too. I hope you didn't drop and run huh? (~_~). Anyway, I would also like to say that I will taking down slow now of dropping EC and make it not to drop and run (which sometimes I did it before) and I guess some of the top droppers too? (~_~). Well, I am determine now to at least stay at the site I will have to drop on at least 3 minutes of staying. What I will do for that time? I will read, comment, or message at the cbox/shoutbox/or any comment form corner and stroll in each site. Probably, I couldn't make the perfect 300 drops by then. Am proud to say that starting from the month March or middle February, I made it always 300 everyday. And just recently, sad to say that I found out my blog bounce rate is very big and determined now to decrease it. So folks, don't worry because it's just my time that I have to increase to visit you as always. And perhaps I will just drop to peeps who do the same. Anyway, Graham Langdon, an entrecard owner and manager, is taking an action against the bounce rate that I just read in entrecard blog and am happy about it. It's a coincidence that we're of the same time to take an action for my blog too. So back to my acknowledgement, I would really thank a lot to my visitors, readers, and all. So, here are the my entrecard buddies and co-bloggers who made the top 10:

DropperS: ------------------------ #of drops :
BMWF1Blog ------------------------------ 30
Secondary Roads -------------------------- 30
AGUSTINIANS ---------------------------- 30
Symphony of Love ------------------------- 30
Lainy's Musings --------------------------- 29
Everything Has A Reason -------------------- 29
The Ad Master --------------------------- 29
In This Life Of Ours ------------------------ 29
Girls Are Made Up of Sugar & Spice And
ng Nice ------------------------- 29
Random Ramblings ------------------------ 28

Thank you so much!

Chuchie Lopez-Wilks

May 30, 2009

Acknowledging my Top 10 Entrecard Droppers for the month of May are the following:
The Ad Master ---------------------------------------- 31 drops

Jean sQuad ------------------------------------------- 31 drops

Secondary Roads ------------------------------------- 31 drops

Happy Moments.. Happy Thoughts! --------------- 29 drops

Spices of Life & Everything Nice -------------------- 29 drops

BMWF1Blog ------------------------------------------ 29 drops

Random Detoxification ----------------------------- 29 drops

MAMA THINKS -------------------------------------- 28 drops

Random Ramblings --------------------------------- 28 drops

Slightly Sarcastic ----------------------------------- 28 drops

Thank you everyone! Thank you so much entrecarders! Kudos to you!


May 03, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

"THE 8 TAG "

This 8 tag was forwarded to me from Ate Shydub of
Simple Happy Life and Te Beng of Beng's Entertainment and Spree. Thanks a lot wonderful Te Shy and Te Beng for including me in your list. So here are:

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1 . My birthday next week.
2. The summer fun.
3. The 5 green bananas that I ask from friend and a neighbor here and there - Annalou - from Gingoog when she will came back here from vacation.
4. Her(Annalou) coming birthday this July 4 - this will be fun! {Ann, we're coming! (~_~)}.
5. My gifts for my birthday (lol) .
6. Shopping this weekend.
7. The photo shop and quickbooks software one day soon.
8. My computer work station set-up.

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Woke up late.
2. Did my computer thing.
3. Blog hopped or blog walked.
4. Cleaned the house.
5. Watched TV.
6. Did the dishes.
7. Talked to my sister on the phone.
8. Arranging stuffs.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Call my family back home more often .
2. Have more time to blog.
3. Go to Boracay.
4. Travel to Paris.
5. Go to Sea World Orlando this summer to ride the Manta roller coaster and watching as well as feeding the dolphins.
6. Goes to the beach and have some sun tanning.
7. Wave surfing.
8. Shopping everyday (lol).

8 Shows I Watc
1. History
2. News
3. Monk
4. Military
6. Law and Order, SVU, Criminal intent
7. Bestfriends
8. Sports Channel (basketball and the sports)

I will keep this tag of myself for now but whoever wants to grab this, then go ahead.. I will glad if you do that. Have a happy weekend!


This cute award was given to me by sporty and smart friend David of Basic Bloganomics , Khaye of Welcome To My Life , and Te Star of A Maiden's Testimony . Thank you so much my friends of this. David is such an awesome friend who didn't forgot me every time you have an award and my newly new-found pretty friend. Again, thanks a lot. God bless you more!

So now, here's the Rules :
To receive this award your blog must be exceptional in design and content; presenting us with new knowledge, a sense of style, or at times just giving us a smile!

Each recipient of the award will acknowledge the person who honored them with the award and then go to to copy/paste the award : Your Blog is Over The Top. (located on the right sidebar, scroll down).

I heartily give this award to all my blogger friends who visit me here. Grab it as you like folks!

May 02, 2009

I would like to thank you my Top 10 EC Droppers for this April Month. Thanks a lot droppers for your continued support. You deserve for appreciation and thank you. Hope to see you next month.. God bless you all more!

You may also like to visit their sites folks, just click their respective names. Have a pleasant day to you! ... muahhh!

April 26, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

How do you like the above trophy fellow co-bloggers? Am sure you like to have this. If that is what in your mind right now, why not visit David Funk of Basic Bloganomics site of blog description - Imagine blog of possibilities- under the Sport category. By the way, his contest named which is also in the title above which is " 2009 Blog Championship Series " is running already and needs only 16-32 peepz to participate to review it. You need to see the blog, i know all are qualified but first you need to see the qualification to enter such contest he has right now. It's just simple to enter, all you have to do is click the trophy above or the highlighted contest title in quote or and expect to be landed in the page which has all the info you wish to know. By the way, if you have see this one now {of course because you're reading (~_~)} and you wish to come back on the other day, you can also click the image which I put here in this left side corner of my sidebar below my badge code. The choice is yours folks!
I like this author not only because he is a funk as what he's name is in here "David Funk", he is also a smart one, intelligent, sport-minded, a good writer, friendly, a well-organized blogger, and artistic one - that is what I knew him as to how he writes his write-ups or posts. He has that well-rounded blog and fresh. You can tell by the way it has been written and made. I like all what he wrote and one of my favorite post of him is the Blog Community Rap post wherein he composed it by himself just like a music composer do which I like most aside that my name and blog title is there (*wink*). Yep, I write this not because he is one of my close friend here but because am one of this said author fan. He knows how to capture the readers heart that's why he has now that Google's importance or Page Rank of 3, I wonder not because his blog and of course him (the author behind it) deserves what Google give. The good thing too is he is still open for exchange link, when you like to have a good link to your site then go on and have one. About his layout, it's also pretty cool to look-at - it just shows that the blogger behind is a guy and an artistic one. As you want to visit his site, you have to expect the pop-up ad but not a bad one, just bear with it because the ads are awesome to read too, and if you're eager to see what's really inside of his blog and you don't want to read the ads, you have the choice! it's because you can click the skip button which is at the top right side of the welcome ad. About the page load, it's also okey, I just hope that he will put his blog roll or the visitors button or live traffic feeds into scroll bar which I guess it will loads more faster but even if not, it's not that slow in fact, it's still loads good and still one of the best, so you don't have to worry of waiting to see what's inside in his very nice blog. So see yah there co-bloggers and all for everyday I visit his good-to-read and unique blog of him - that is also why you can see his blog in my blog roll right at the left side of my site. By the way, you may also want to see and hop-in the sites of which he links-in that of course is a fan of him which extends whole-heartedly supporting him for this contest, these are the ff (and more to come):
1. Basic Bloganomics : 125x125 ad for one month, winning entries will be inducted into the WBE Blog of Fame, and PayPal cash.
2. Paul H(Sports Soapbox) : 125x125 ads
3. Bill(My Piece of Paradise) : 1,000 EC credits
4. Tammy(Anything Under The Sun) : 1,000 EC credits and ad exposure
5. Tammy(Forgetful Princess) : 1,000 EC credits and ad exposure
6. Star(A Maiden's Testimony ) : 2,000 EC credits
7. Jade(The Pinay Blogger) : 2,000 EC credits
8. Jade(Life of a Filipina Blogger) : 1,000 EC credits
9. Jade(MommaWannabe) : 1,000 EC credits
Cacai M(Cacai's Step and Journey) : 1,000 EC credits
11. Lainy's Musings : $10 PayPal cash and 1,000 EC credits
12. Lainy(Our Journey to Forever) : One-year domain registration or cash equivalent if not needed.
13. Lainy(Kuerdas) : 125x125 ad space
14. Lainy(Certified Fashionable Chic) : 1,000 EC credits

So then, have a pleasant day while reading on his blog folks! See yah there ...


April 24, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community! The rules are quite easy.

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

Questions & Your Answers:
(1). The person who tagged you: I was tagged by Meryl, David Funk , Te Shydub , Rechie , Speedcat Hollydale , Te VhingF , SweetDonut, and Nova .

(2.) His/her site’s title and url ( This is in order from the first #1) .

(3.) Date when you were tagged: April 12,
13, 14, 17, and 24.
(4.) Persons you tagged: I will share this to my international co-bloggers who knew me here. Folks you know already who you are, so grab it now... join in!

April 09, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.


My dear awesome friends Ate Shydub , Lisgold , Rechie, Janyen
gave this tag to me . At first, some kind of hesitant to do this but since I love the sender and finds it fun to do, so here's me now doing this. (~_~) The rule is just easy that the receiver just have to answer the questions given. So, here's the Q&A:

001. Name → Rebecca

002. Nickname(s)→ Cacai, Becay, Gang2x, Becang, Cacang, Caycay

004. Zodiac sign → Taurus

005. Male or female → Female

006. Elementary → Magting Elem. School - Philippines

008. High School → Tupsan National High School and Columbia St. Michael's Parish High School -Philippines

009. College School → St. Augustine Institute of Technology -Philippines

010. Hair color → Black w/ highlight

011. Long or short → long

012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet

013. Jumpers or Jeans → Jeans

014. Phone or Camera → Phone w/ Camera (lol)

015. Health freak → yes

016. Drink or Smoke? → Drink when there's special gatherings

017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Nope

018. Eat or Drink → Both

019. Piercings → ears

020. Tattoos → none

023. First piercing → When I was in Junior years

024. First best friend → Leorica Tumanda

025. First award → 3rd Honors and mosts (forgot the name - Grade 1)

026. First crush → AB

027. First pet → piglet

028. First big vacation → in Kinuguitan (family circle's place in elem. time)

030. First big birthday → First Birthday

049. Eating → no

050. Drinking → no

052. I'm about to → finish this longest tag I made (lol)
053. Listening to → music
at the back of my laptop in my portable dvd (prefer to play it in there for it slows down my pc if in here doing other stuffs)

054. Plans for today → cooking the green banana I have and some salted shrimps mix w/ pork after this.

055. Waiting for → this to finish and the day to end for I will have some more laag tomorrow for relax

058. Want kids? → Yes, of course.

059. Want to get married? → already married

060. Careers in mind → getting my master's degree next yr. or web designing, then photography and piano lessons
, looking forward 4.5 years from now to have my own small bus. w/ hubby to have our income when we'll there and to keep us busy.
068. Lips or eyes → eyes

070. Shorter or taller - Taller

072. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic

073. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice stomach

074. Sensitive or loud→ Sensitive

075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship

076. Trouble maker or hesitant → hesitant

080. Lost glasses/contacts → nope

081. Ran away from home → nope

082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → I wish there was a knife at that time i was -----, i surely have killed the devil.
083. Killed somebody → never!

084. Broke someone's heart → yes, i have to or else it's my heart could have been broken

085. Been arrested → Never !

087. Cried when someone died → Yep

089. Yourself → Yep!

090. Miracles → sometimes
091. Love at first sight → nope

092. Heaven → Yep

093. Santa Claus → when i was a kid yes, but not now

094. Tooth Fairy → Nope

095. Kiss on the first date → hemmm.. yep (lol)

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → he is here with me right now

098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Yes, very !

099. Do you believe in God → YES!

Now it's time to pass the tag, I wanna pass this to all my co-bloggers . Hey folks, feel free to grab this tag and jive in!


Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post