May 03, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

"THE 8 TAG "

This 8 tag was forwarded to me from Ate Shydub of
Simple Happy Life and Te Beng of Beng's Entertainment and Spree. Thanks a lot wonderful Te Shy and Te Beng for including me in your list. So here are:

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1 . My birthday next week.
2. The summer fun.
3. The 5 green bananas that I ask from friend and a neighbor here and there - Annalou - from Gingoog when she will came back here from vacation.
4. Her(Annalou) coming birthday this July 4 - this will be fun! {Ann, we're coming! (~_~)}.
5. My gifts for my birthday (lol) .
6. Shopping this weekend.
7. The photo shop and quickbooks software one day soon.
8. My computer work station set-up.

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Woke up late.
2. Did my computer thing.
3. Blog hopped or blog walked.
4. Cleaned the house.
5. Watched TV.
6. Did the dishes.
7. Talked to my sister on the phone.
8. Arranging stuffs.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Call my family back home more often .
2. Have more time to blog.
3. Go to Boracay.
4. Travel to Paris.
5. Go to Sea World Orlando this summer to ride the Manta roller coaster and watching as well as feeding the dolphins.
6. Goes to the beach and have some sun tanning.
7. Wave surfing.
8. Shopping everyday (lol).

8 Shows I Watc
1. History
2. News
3. Monk
4. Military
6. Law and Order, SVU, Criminal intent
7. Bestfriends
8. Sports Channel (basketball and the sports)

I will keep this tag of myself for now but whoever wants to grab this, then go ahead.. I will glad if you do that. Have a happy weekend!


This cute award was given to me by sporty and smart friend David of Basic Bloganomics , Khaye of Welcome To My Life , and Te Star of A Maiden's Testimony . Thank you so much my friends of this. David is such an awesome friend who didn't forgot me every time you have an award and my newly new-found pretty friend. Again, thanks a lot. God bless you more!

So now, here's the Rules :
To receive this award your blog must be exceptional in design and content; presenting us with new knowledge, a sense of style, or at times just giving us a smile!

Each recipient of the award will acknowledge the person who honored them with the award and then go to to copy/paste the award : Your Blog is Over The Top. (located on the right sidebar, scroll down).

I heartily give this award to all my blogger friends who visit me here. Grab it as you like folks!


  1. David Funk said...
    Cacai, you really have become one of my favorite and best blogger friends. I'm appreciative of all your kindness and compliments that you always show, too.

    Congrats on your the 8 tag, too. We share some similar interests on shows including Law & Order and sports obviously.

    Unfortunately, I wished the Bulls would have won, but that series will go down as one of the very best ever. The young Bulls will benefit from it. However, it was a huge day in sports with Pacman winning, a big upset in the Kentucky Derby, and that Game 7. I'm very glad to have another sporty woman as a blogger friend!;)

    Thanks for posting and congrats for all the awards you get because you are always deserving of them!:)
    Cecile said...
    cai, i grab nako ni unya ha :-)

    thanks for sharing some of you with us, am getting to know you more, Cai :-)

    congrats sa award, by the way!
    Over The Top Aprons said...
    Cacal, thank you for stopping by my blog, and congratulations on receiving the award. You have a great blog and it is nice to see the award placed here.

    Also, I appreciate your comments on Google - it actually is a bit of a mystery of how they work. I wish you continued success.
    Speedcat Hollydale said...
    I love your list .. very similar to what my own would be but I never do any dishes. Ha haaaa !!!!!

    I use the same cup for everything, and do a lot of microwave cookin`.

    Hope you are having a wonderful week,
    SpeedyCat :-)

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