Showing posts with label Awards and Awarding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards and Awarding. Show all posts

May 20, 2010

Tags, yes I was tagged by co-blogger friends weeks ago or perhaps month ago. Sorry friends it's just now that I made this due to a hectic schedule of my time for some offline stuffs but I don't really forget it, in fact it's already in my outbox for a period of time --- I just changed the time for now. Thanks a lot for remembering me by that time. You are appreciated for the effort and thinking of me. You guys rock! Thanks to sis Chuchie of "Whereabouts", Mommy Nuts of "embrace life", Ace of "Happy Home Working" for this tenth photo tag you ought to give me and again, thanks a lot! ;-)

That (above photo) is what my tenth photo posted here in this blog (you can view it under label photography/photos should you like to do so). That was my visit of my bessy A home in La Puente, CA. By that time, we had a lot of eating done, fun and picture shows that I was singing (a karaoke song) ha! Can you guess what I sang? Ha! ;-) Seems like I was going to have an audition that time because I was serious? LOL.. you bet? Nope, just for fun.. :-) So that's all folks! The rules by the way are below. If you wish to do it, just post such rule and a link from here. All of you who are reading this, have been tagged by me, so feel free to grab it anytime (should you like to do so). *winkz*

1.Look through your photo archives for the chosen blog and pull out the tenth photo you posted.
2.Tell us a little about it.
3.Tag five more players. 4.Let the fun begin!


Sisterhood Award

One more thing, I've been thankful for and also dedicate this post to my blogger friends who include me of thinking that we are sisters here in blog land or seems like our friendship is like sisterhood. :-) An award below speaks for what is my award all about, yep, a" Sisterhood Award". I love it!

This award are from sis Ritzchelle of "A Girl Blogg e r", Nova of " History of Supernova and Sweet Pain",Cookie of "Thoughts" and sis Jenie of "at-a-blink". Thanks again guys.. You are appreciated and being applauded of your gestures being given. You are awesome! :)

March 27, 2010

free myspace comments

I want to say "Have a great weekend" to you folks.. tomorrow is Sunday and for some other place this day is already Sunday so it is still weekend or for other people who believe that Sunday is the first day of the week, then sorry about this. For me, I consider Sunday as a weekend and a rest day. Time to go to church and just be lazed, bonding with family and friends. :) So then, have a good one all!
Beautiful Blogger Award

I also want to say thank you to David Funk of Basic Bloganomics, sis Liezl of Bloguardian Hellsite : OVERCASHED, sis Ace of Happy Home Working and mommy Carinamodella for giving this beautiful award to me. You guys are awesome. Both of you are handsome and pretty like the award you gave me. Sorry for the late post, and I know you understand me. *kisses*.. :) The three of you always be in my heart forever as a friend of mine. Thank you for the genuine friendship you guys given to me and promise am keeping that and reciprocate of the goodness
you showed to me. Thanks a lot for the friendship, forever and ever. :) To complete the award, I have to list seven things about myself and it's here. Thanks again guys.. ~hugs&kisses~

Have a great day all! Smile.. :)

March 15, 2010

A sunshine award that is simply more than just an award for me. I know that an award for a fellow blogger from a certain blogger sometime is just an award for them that needs to be passed but not for me though there are many that they passed it to their recipients because they like to give it to them, be it as their favorite bloggers, close, worthy for the said award (the meaning is what I mean), as a thank you and some other meaning that such blogger passed it to you. My friend of "Motherly Instinct" blog named Shiela or "Kurdapya" as she wants to be called yet I call her "Yang" as a sweet momma and for some reason I want to call her like that, is the one who give this to me. I really like the image and the message too which only she knows what. :-) Thanks for giving this beautiful "Sunshine Award" to me Yang.. you are such a sunshine to me too.. such a sweet and a dearie momma and a friend. We just met in blog land but seems we already met online and offline already.. see, how clicked we are? heheh... Thanks again my friend for being nice to me and all the thoughts. Be cool and great friend as what you are... You are always a sunshine for that. ~hugs~

January 24, 2010

posted by: Cacai M.
Ooopps I am not a tiger, nor have a tiger attitude. Ahhh okay, I have a tiger attitude to those who are evil but am sure, you're not that's why I could say I don't have a tiger attitude. No, I don't want to confuse you but surely I want to let you think. :-) Yep, that's understandable anyway... :-) Buddy, yes I definitely am a buddy---a blogger buddy, etc. I do like a lot this award image and the thought. Thanks a lot for this Tiger Buddies Award, credit to the creator and to David of Basic Bloganomics and Tsang Shydub of Simple Happy Life blog for being your recipient and awardee. You're my buddies, and you always got a place of heart as my blogger buddies. Thanks a lot and may you never change. If you change, that's for good but don't let me be out of one of your buddy huh? Thanks again.

By the way folks, year 2010 is Year of the Tiger. The year color is turquoise. So, that's it. Have a happy Tiger Year! Enjoy with caution... :-) Have a good one...

December 02, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Dropper # of drops
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Laane on the World 30
Jean sQuared 30
Trends Finder 24/7 30
CAP News 30
The Sweet Life 29
Greetje greets You 29
Laane Loves 29
Secondary Roads 29
Bits and Pieces 28

So the above blog title with its links are my top 10 November Top Droppers. I have seen mostly of them on my previous monthly droppers and am glad to have them in this blog. Thanks to the entrecarders especially to these droppers above. Hey, you are all appreciated all, okay? Thanks a lot!

I would like to give this "Thank You for Blogging" Award from D of Basic Bloganomics to you my fellow entrecarders and again especial mention to these peeps. And here it is:

Thanks a lot! If not because of you or your blogging hobby, we couldn't connect with each other. Be blessed (as always). Happy entrecarding! Oops.. visit these blogs in here, I tell you they have cool blogs as well (tip: if you take EC dropping seriously, drop them. -- I can assure you they won't let you down, they will drop you back).. see yah there..

November 20, 2009

The "Best Blog" and a "Lovely Blog" Award ! I have this award before in here but it wasn't merge and once again it's nice and a great feeling when you receive an award from one of your co-blogger which you never thought will please in time of a wordless day. It's nice to see my blog in one of the great blogs in his list! I would like to thank the giver Chuck (an ex-pastor) of Secondary Roads for the awards he bestowed upon this blog of mine. It was nice to meet you in this blog land and been great to everyone. Thank you for being your awardee Chuck! God bless as always! May you continue to share great thoughts and wisdom. Thanks!

November 04, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Yep, one of the blogger in blogland, Liezl (the author of Bloguardian Hellsite: Overcashed) gave this blog an award which is a cool one and that image above it is. She posted it in here and am happy to see that am her number one awardee.. cool! Anyway, I have posted an award like this before in here and mostly I just put the giver in it, meaning it's just seldom that I posted the award image again. It's not that I don't like but it's just my rule and excuse me for that. Anyway, isn't this award lovely? Thank you Liezl for finding this blog of mine as one of the lovely ones. You make me proud of my work or my blog. So long.. and thanks again lovely Liezl.. (~_~)

September 23, 2009

The awards below were from July 13 up to the recent date from David Funk of Basic Bloganomics Photobucket . I still have awards to post and I have to do it as soon as possible. By the way, thanks a bunch my friend for the awards you've bestowed upon my blog and me. It's an honor to receive these awards.

For now I would like to give these awards to Cacai M.'s Place and Thoughts, Ideas and Resources {ooh I love my own blogs, of course! :-)}, I will just update my list then to those lucky awardees. Have a good day! (~_~)

August 25, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.
Hello folks, I got a "Humane Award" lately. According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, humane is an adjective which means marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for others. Whew! Thanks D of Basic Bloganomics for this awesome award . Kudos!

July 29, 2009

I am very thankful that I got lots of awards both for this blog and for me as a blogger. No words can explain how amazed I am. Maybe it's not that very big deal for some but for me it's some kind of big appreciation when someone give to me either from my pro co-blogger friends or just acquaintances. It means to me that one gives it to me heartily and found my blog as worthy of what they give. I hope that's what really is on their mind and looking from my point of view, that's what it is. Thanks a lot for this awards below peeps! Kudos to you too!

Spread The Love Award
The above "Spread The Love" Award was given to me by Alf/Shimumsy who is a Mommy Blogger . And I love to spread the love! I was very happy that she recognized me and first of her awardee. Thank you MomiAlf! This was also given to me by Lisgold, Kittykat, David Funk, Nova, and Khaye. Thanks a lot for this all who awarded me. muahhh!

Friendship Chain Award
The "Friendship Chain" Award was given to me by Tita Vhing of her Other Side of My Life blog, and Te Beng of Entertainment & Spree blog. Thanks a lot! I will surely keep our friendship.

Elite Blog Artist Award
The "Elite Blog Artist Award" was being given to me David Funk of Basic Bloganomics and Ate Cecile of Down Home With The Kenyons blog. Thanks for being one of your elite awardee D and Te Ces!

Kreativ Blogger Award
The uniquely spelled "Kreativ Blogger" Award was being given to me by Anygen of Entertainment and Fashion Galore blog. We call each other Lola/Grandma--I am Lola Cacai and she's Lola Anne, isn't that cute friendship tag? (~_~) hehehh.. Thanks again Lola for this beautiful award you gave to me. I have this before but I just put this back again for our friendship. Hugs!

I would also like to grab this post to thank my reward giver EC buddies for their June Top Dropper{actually their successive months dropper.. (~_~)} namely: Bill of My Piece of Paradis e (net 1,000 ec credits), MomiShy of Worth's... Road(net 200 ec credits), Hope of My Thoughts in Daily Living(net 500 ec credits), and Te Willa of Fickleminded.. A Life That is Less Ordinary(net 100 ec credits). Sorry it's just lately that I saw the transaction entry--I was used to read it in email before but I just didn't what's wrong with the ec before that I haven't got any message about it. Luckily, I view the transaction section in ec site and I have thanked these peeps before the end of this month.

So, this is all for now and have a nice day folks! Thank you all for the unselfish thoughts!

July 22, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Ohhh yes, this blog was awarded as an "Adorable Blog" by one of my blogging buddy Ate Ces last July 13 (this year).. (~_~).. is it that adorable award too folks? Yes, it is (for me)! It seems I really feel this award though I don't really know if you like me to have have this award but hey, I don't care what's on your pessimistic mind! hahah (lol). All I know as I received this award was happy and put it deep in my heart and continue being it(as what the title said) or striving to be better if not for good. The sureness part is Iwill continue to utter what my heart says. Okey, enough for this or I will not stop writing about this... heheheh.. (~_~). Ate Ces, thanks a lot! You know how I appreciate friends. Thank you for that. God bless you more!

And I will just keep this award for myself for now. Who may ever like to grab this, just state the name where you got. To the award starter, thanks a lot too! Have a blessed day all!

If you like to see awards and the peeps I awarded, you may like to click the above navigation bar at the top of my search bar which is located below my blog header that linked to a phrase: awards and awarding. ty!

I have to say thank you also to my adorable and handsome friend David of Basic Bloganomics for giving me this award. Sorry friend that it's late and forgot a little. Thank you for reminding me my friend. hugs!

David Funk of Basic Bloganomics

July 09, 2009

Personality Test Tag
(Note: the memes and tags are not to be taken so seriously{for the wandering evil thoughts out there...} ).

Okey, it's time for meme and tag again, and this time it's from Ate Cecile and Ate Sudha of Sudhersana . Actually this was given to me for about a month already and there are still lots of memes and awards in my notebook and am proud and honored for it! To disclose, I do the posting in order, meaning which comes first served first-- Thanks for the thoughtful ones and being your awardee friends and sweet acquaintances. Because of this chain, I found good friends to keep and a sweet words from co-bloggers. Again, thanks a lot! So then, the meme's rules are just simple and some of it is optional from my own point of view. And here are:

1. Open this website: Personality Test
2. Take the Personality Quiz (It's very short and easy really! )
3. Copy paste the result to your blog.
4. Tag as many friends you can and link to the friend who tagged you!

The rules are very simple isn't it?! :)
I only took the first batch test which is commonly taken. And the rest didn't and it's up to the person I tag or will grab this if one will took the other test(additional). I didn't check the result if it's really me as long as what the site/pc memory view me, then that's what it in here. Hey, this is not to be taken seriously huh since this is just for fun. You can either guess me who am I too if you like or either way, whatever your mind creates.. as long as no prejudge through comment... In other way, if you really know me, then just keep it a secret or as you wish.. (~_~) So then, here are the result which I copied which I follow from the first rule:
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: (fyi--I already have my husband{Cacai M.})
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Hemmm... I find this test cool. Most of the answers are correct to my own perspective. But the question is, where's the wrong in there? Find it out.. (~_~) Again, don't take it seriously folks, this meme is just for fun and need not to be taken seriously--it's up to you how you will take it though...

And now am passing this to my my Analou, Chuchie, Tita VhingF, Te Beng, Lisa of Lisgold, and to all my co-bloggers who always visit me here and to my friends who don't have yet this meme and my BlogRoll peeps. Come on folks, have fun!


"J Adore tien Blog" Award

This award was given to me by our co-blogger and am proud to call a friend David Funk and is commonly calledD/Mr.D/Dave of Basic Bloganomics . Thank you friend for being an awardee of this beautiful award. By the way, the "J Adore tien Blog" is a french word for "I Love your Blog" in English. Thanks a lot my friend! Kudos to your blog too!

David Funk

June 10, 2009

When I checked my email just a minute ago, I was wordless to see this award coming from my very good friend David Funk of Basic Bloganomics because it's just amazing one! Even if I know that I subscribe his blog through email, still I got surprise because I thought I saw sports history and yet it's more than that! Wow! And yep, I was thankful that in venturing here in blogosphere world, I came to see his good blog full of sports history and a fiction humor write-ups which I like most. Thanks D for being one of your awardee of this very nice amazing award! Have a happy Wordless Wednesday everyone!

Analou and Bones

June 08, 2009

These two awa rd s were given to me of about one week ago and I wanna show to you folks how amazed I was as receiving this. Thanks a lot great bloggers! You're such a very nice one and thanks for the kindness thought through showing your co-bloggers what have on your mind.

Anyway, I got an award before as as an awardee of " One Lovely Blog Award " and now it's " A Lovely Blog Award " and it goes together with a very cool other one award which is as you can see at the very top of this post-- the " Best Blog Award " and am pretty very happy about it-- as an awardee of such amazing awards. The recent two were from my lovely co-blogger friends, namely: David Funk of B asic Bloganomics ; Chuchie of her Chuchie's Hideaway blog, Lisa of her Lisgold blog, Bill of his My Piece of Paradise blog, Faye of My Life in Holland, and Khaye of My Daily Cup.

I wanna also thank to Khaye of Welcome to My Life blog for choosing me as one of her awardees of the Best Blog Award in her other post.

Thanks a lot!

posted by: Cacai M.

My blog got an award from two of my good friends here in blogosphere by the name David Funk of Basic Bloganomics blog and from Lisa of her Lisgold blog. These two friends found this blog as one of their favorite and I got amazed because I didn't know know it until I received this one. I didn't know too if they know that their blogs are my favorite to go into(visit regularly everyday) and read their write-ups. It's just amazing how they got their unique and entertaining writings. You better check out too guys so you will witness by yourself of what I said. So then, thanks my dearie co-blogger friendships for being one of your favorite and an awardee of this amazing award I received.

I have to keep this award for myself for now and I will then pass on to my awardees which are my favorite ones if I have my list already. Thanks fellas! Kudos to you!

June 02, 2009

Okey, since the internet connection is low and I have lots of tags to do as well- I will have to do this today. Actually I was tagged from the two of new-found friend here in blogosphere world which I call them Ate Sudha of Sudhersana and Ate Vhing of Survivor: Reality of My Life . They're thoughtful, kind, and nice one that they passed this along to me and I like the thought of it. Read it the following guys and you will be amazed of this type of woman or she is a Queen. Her character amazes me that Te Sudha and Te Vhing saw that on me that's why they passed this to me? I hope so.. heheh. Now, here's the thought or A Mary ANTOINETTE AWARD:
Queen Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755 in Vienna, Austria. She was the youngest an d most beautiful daughter of Francis Stephen I and Maria Theresa, Emperor and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. Marie Antoinette was brought up believing her destiny was to become queen of France. She married the crown prince of France in 1770. Four years later she became queen when her husband was crowned King Louis XVI (House of Bourbon ) .
The short story is cute and inspiring, right?

The second tag which is from Ate Shydub of simplehappylife and Ate Sudha again- it's a PICTURE TAG . Thanks Ate's for the thought of yours. Am so pleased that you included me in your list. So then, I had browse these pics below according to my answers of my own. The rule is:
Use Google image to search the answers to the questions below. You must choose a picture from the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that, tag 7 people.”
(1.) The age of my next birthday!

(2.) Place I would like to travel! <>Paris<>

(3.) Favorite Food! <>meat-lovers pizza<>
(4.) Favorite Place! <>home sweet home<>
(5.) Nickname I've had! <>Cay<>

(6.) Favorite Color! <>lavender<>

(7.) College Major! <>business(BSC- Business Management)<>
(8.) Name of my love! <>Donald Duck<> (9.) Hobby! <>bicycling<> (10.)Wish List! <>World Peace<>

And the third one is LET'S BE FRIENDS AWARD/HEART AWARD (as well as a tag)- from Ate Sudha of Sudhersana again but now with Willa or I call her Fickle from her other blog Fickleminded (the author alos of Smart Mommy.. Out Smartin' My Smart Boys, One Child at a Time! , Meryl of People, Places, Events, Good Food and My Life, and Star of A Maiden's Testimony. Thanks guys for including me. You're so nice to me. God bless you more.

This award states that:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award. I'm passing these tags to my 8 acquaintances who are my fellow bloggers whom I want to be friend of that mostly of them are in my blog roll, they are:

  • Momgen of Wonderful Things in Life ,
  • Beth of Everything Under The Sun and A Woman Under God's Grace ,
  • desperateblogger of Pinay Mom Blogs!... and Life Goes on for a Filipino Mom ,
  • Elai of elai's haven ,
  • Carlota of Dashing Smiles ,
  • Fickleminded of A Life That Is Less Ordinary ,
  • Marie of Kinda Life of Mine ,
  • Everyday of My Little Garden of Friendship, and
  • Te Eden of Moments to Remember .

Hope you guys will accept this tag of mine as a sign of acceptance of friendship. Am looking forward of it. Have a pleasant day and a
gain, hope you will grab this.


Beloved First Commenter : Shydub
Simply Happy Life

Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post