Showing posts with label EC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EC. Show all posts

October 19, 2011

Are you still active in dropping EC? Last year I am addicted to that. I can say I do it regularly. In my three(3) blogs, they are all active and enrolled at entrecard. My day is not compete without any drops. I used to have 50 or more drops in each on my blogs every day . Sounds so perfect and it helps a lot on my blog traffic. I can see that dropping EC might not be super solid traffic respond but it really helps.

I am just sad sometimes bloggers don't respond my drops. LOL! That is normal I guess. I don't respond sometimes too, specially if I am getting busy over the day! So this is just a vice-versa. Still thankful for those who drop back with me. So I am planning to get back dropping next month if possible but will see.

Anyway, I wish you guys a happy evening and enjoy your day with your love ones. I will go out and buy some milk and eggs. I will make some dessert. Yummy! By the way, I would like to thank to one of my dear blogger friend who always share some tips in blogging and more tips of being a mom. So thank to you my dear. You are an angel, you know who you are!

May 04, 2010

CSJ is thankful enough to Entrecard droppers, readers, blog hoppers, commenters, you and all! This time it is my will to have my Top 10 list for the last month from EC dashboard regarding the statistics. And thanks much to:

1. Wirez and Circuitz
: computers, internet, technology, gadgets, movie trailers free downloads

2. Lainy's Musings
A blog showcasing my mutterings, random rants, raves and whinings on life's daily maneuvers.

3. Learning Center
Center for Personal Development, Professional Learning and Education, Finance, Smart Investment, Business Management, Business Strategy, Leadership, Business Success, Computer, Technology Update, Lifestyle Improvement.

4. Online Success Centre
Professional Resources for Online Success.

5. Leomar's Den
Description: A personal blog celebrating Filipino pride. Featuring random thoughts from the author, entertainment news, TV shows, books, latest movies and music.

6. Jean sQuared
: Sometimes it’s the smallest decision that can change your life forever…

7. Business & Life Success
Description: Center for Business Success, Life Success, Management Success and Career Success

8. Smart Money Success
: Personal and Professional Development Center for Money Success.

9. my kids are my world
: This is a blog about my life as a wife and mother of three kids, who are, obviously, my world.

10. Slightly Sarcastic
: Sarcasm, stories and lots of BS

Dropper # of drops
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Lainy's Musings 30
Learning Corner 30
Online Success Centre 29
Leomar's Den 29
Jean sQuared 29
Business & Life Success 29
Smart Money Success 28
my kids are my world 28
Slightly Sarcastic 28

Thanks a lot folks. You guys are awesome! See yah this month end.. Keep rocking! hugs&kisses~

April 21, 2010

Oops! It is better late than never! ;-)This blog would like to thank my Top 10 March 2010 EC Droppers which are coming here often to show their support or as giving a reciprocal drops (*winkz*) or whatever the reasons are, rest assured that it is very much appreciated. With that, you just deserve to recognized. Here you are my top 10 placers (from my/CSJ EC board of statistics from the last 30 days):

(1) People You Need to Know
Category: Marketing
: Behold the Woman! People You Need to Know is dedicated to promoting women in business via print, social media, events, business Expos, radio, etc. Join us in supporting WOMEN in business!

(2) Fact of the Day
Category: Education
Description: Fact of the Day is a project to bring one verified, interesting fact to readers every day in a couple novel formats. Weekly feature articles will educate on a number of topics. Come check us out for today's fact of the day!

(3) Ask Ms Recipe
Category: Cooking and Dining
Description: A food blog like no other where I will answer your recipe questions and include your website with the answers.

(4) BeadedTail
Category: Pets
Description: Antics of two cats and a dog! Plus, we make jewelry for animal lovers with proceeds benefiting animal charities! We're making tails wag one bead at a time!

(5) The Sewing Mom
Category: Parenting and Family
Description: Personal blog showcasing my fabric creations. I also talk about family, friends, hobbies, cooking and daily life.

(6) Business & Life Success
Category: Education
Description: Center for Business Success, Life Success, Management Success and Career Success

(7) Lainy's Musings
Category: Mixed Bag
Description: A blog showcasing my mutterings, random rants, raves and whinings on life's daily maneuvers.

(8) Learning Corner
Category: Education
Description: Center for Personal Development, Professional Learning and Education, Finance, Smart Investment, Business Management, Business Strategy, Leadership, Business Success, Computer, Technology Update, Lifestyle Improvement.

(9) Online Success Centre
Category: Self Improvement
Description: Professional Resources for Online Success.

(10) Learning How To Make Money Online
Category: Make Money Online
Description: Learning How To Make Money Online: Advertise and Be Seen - Entrecard Widget Is Above The Fold!

Dropper # of drops
People You Need to Know 30
Fact of the Day 30
Ask Ms Recipe 30
BeadedTail 30
The Sewing Mom 29
Business & Life Success 29
Lainy's Musings 29
Learning Corner 29
Online Success Centre 29
Learning How To Make Money Online 28

*** Thank you so much all for the time and all the support and the like. ;-) It is really great to have your here folks. ~hugs~

March 06, 2010

Dropper # of drops
Traders' Hub 31
EzGreatLife 30
CAP News 30
My Outsourced Brain 29
Computer Aid 28
Monkey Arcade 27
Lakbay Philippines 27
The Sweet Life 27
Pictures Of Despair 27
Teeming With Stupidity And Weirdness 27

Above are the Top 10 Entrecard Droppers for February month. I would like to thank this ten blogs above for the drops you have given for this blog, the time spent and the future drops, reads and visits. From the bottom of big heart, thank you so much. I am so grateful to have you here. I would also like to thank all the visitors, other droppers, readers and all for your continued support and the future supports as well. :-) Thank you so much and God bless you as always! Thankie! :-) ~hugs&kisses~

January 02, 2010


# of drops

CAP News 31
Secondary Roads 30
Trends Finder 24/7 30
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Jean sQuared 30
$ Secret Money Blog $ by: Bob Matharoo 29
What's Up In Sports Today 28
Lakbay Philippines 27
The Sweet Life 25
Ungkutan 25

I know I am late for posting this--it's half of the next month already but hey, better late than never... :-) I So, those are top 10 December top Entrecard droppers. I expect it would be plus one for this day since it's just more than two hours only after the time change for the new day. I really appreciate you folks on dropping-by on mutually :-).. thanks a lot! See yah at the end of this month.. You guys rock!!!

To those who want to see their respective awesome blogs, feel free to view narrow down the blog dropper column. Have fun and happy entrecarding! :-)

December 02, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Dropper # of drops
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Laane on the World 30
Jean sQuared 30
Trends Finder 24/7 30
CAP News 30
The Sweet Life 29
Greetje greets You 29
Laane Loves 29
Secondary Roads 29
Bits and Pieces 28

So the above blog title with its links are my top 10 November Top Droppers. I have seen mostly of them on my previous monthly droppers and am glad to have them in this blog. Thanks to the entrecarders especially to these droppers above. Hey, you are all appreciated all, okay? Thanks a lot!

I would like to give this "Thank You for Blogging" Award from D of Basic Bloganomics to you my fellow entrecarders and again especial mention to these peeps. And here it is:

Thanks a lot! If not because of you or your blogging hobby, we couldn't connect with each other. Be blessed (as always). Happy entrecarding! Oops.. visit these blogs in here, I tell you they have cool blogs as well (tip: if you take EC dropping seriously, drop them. -- I can assure you they won't let you down, they will drop you back).. see yah there..

November 02, 2009

I would like to thank you my fellow entrecarders especially the top 10 below for being here in this blog of mine, dropping. I have seen there are new who made the top 10. Thanks to you fellas.. I hope to see you this month end - November.
Dropper # of drops
Laane on the World 30
Jean sQuared 29
Bits and Pieces 28
Mom's Place 28
Laane Loves 28
Greetje greets You 28
Wirez and Circuitz 26
Ramblings of a Haemophiliac 26
We live to tell God's Amazing Grace 25
CAP News 25

Thanks and Happy Entrecarding! May the Almighty God bless you as always.. Anyway, I hope to see new faces as well, would you bet to get one of the top10 sit for the month of November? Can I see you this month end? Let us see.. see yah.. again, thanks a lot!

October 02, 2009

# of drops
Bits and Pieces 29
Secondary Roads 28
My Sweet Haven 28
Mom's Place 26
Pure Natural Diva 25
A Little Bit of Everything 25
Jean sQuared 25
Beyond Feron 25
Wirez and Circuitz 24

Thank you so much My September Top 10 EC Droppers! Thank you to all and also to the ec droppers who didn't make it to the top 10. I hope to see you again on first day of next month. Happy entrecarding! (~_~)

August 27, 2009

Entrecard, a free blogging network, just launched(today) its newest toolbar. To those bloggers who were uncomfortable of using latest Mozilla Firefox browser(3.5.2)compatibility, you can download now the latest version of Entrecard toolbar. Visit Entrecard's blog for the downloading process.

I got hooked up and very glad with the fast and safety Mozilla Firefox browser. I just downloaded the latest version two days ago but without Entrecard on the toolbar seems new to me so am happy to have this, in fact I just downloaded it. Happy entrecarding!

August 01, 2009

It's the first day of the other month again, and it's time to acknowledge my top 10 loyal visitors/droppers. This is from EC statistics. The table below lists the Entrecard users who dropped their card on this site the most in the last 30 days, and I would like to acknowledge all of my droppers especially the top 10 below, and here they are:

Droppers _____________________ # of Drops

Jean Squared ------------------------> 30
Secondary Roads ---------------------> 30
AUGUSTINIANS ---------------------> 30
Bits and Pieces ----------------------> 27
BMWF1Blog -----------------------> 26
Amazingly Me ----------------------> 25
Remixmax -------------------------> 25
My Sweet Haven --------------------> 25
A Maiden's Testimony -----------------> 24
Wirez and Circuitz --------------------> 24

Thanks a lot to the Top 3 Droppers who visited me daily. I noticed this 3 got all their unbeatable rank. You may like to visit their cool site folks, just click the name of their blog/droppers. Kudos to you! Peeps, would you like to beat this top 10 above? Let's see if you can beat them on this month! see yah!

July 29, 2009

I am very thankful that I got lots of awards both for this blog and for me as a blogger. No words can explain how amazed I am. Maybe it's not that very big deal for some but for me it's some kind of big appreciation when someone give to me either from my pro co-blogger friends or just acquaintances. It means to me that one gives it to me heartily and found my blog as worthy of what they give. I hope that's what really is on their mind and looking from my point of view, that's what it is. Thanks a lot for this awards below peeps! Kudos to you too!

Spread The Love Award
The above "Spread The Love" Award was given to me by Alf/Shimumsy who is a Mommy Blogger . And I love to spread the love! I was very happy that she recognized me and first of her awardee. Thank you MomiAlf! This was also given to me by Lisgold, Kittykat, David Funk, Nova, and Khaye. Thanks a lot for this all who awarded me. muahhh!

Friendship Chain Award
The "Friendship Chain" Award was given to me by Tita Vhing of her Other Side of My Life blog, and Te Beng of Entertainment & Spree blog. Thanks a lot! I will surely keep our friendship.

Elite Blog Artist Award
The "Elite Blog Artist Award" was being given to me David Funk of Basic Bloganomics and Ate Cecile of Down Home With The Kenyons blog. Thanks for being one of your elite awardee D and Te Ces!

Kreativ Blogger Award
The uniquely spelled "Kreativ Blogger" Award was being given to me by Anygen of Entertainment and Fashion Galore blog. We call each other Lola/Grandma--I am Lola Cacai and she's Lola Anne, isn't that cute friendship tag? (~_~) hehehh.. Thanks again Lola for this beautiful award you gave to me. I have this before but I just put this back again for our friendship. Hugs!

I would also like to grab this post to thank my reward giver EC buddies for their June Top Dropper{actually their successive months dropper.. (~_~)} namely: Bill of My Piece of Paradis e (net 1,000 ec credits), MomiShy of Worth's... Road(net 200 ec credits), Hope of My Thoughts in Daily Living(net 500 ec credits), and Te Willa of Fickleminded.. A Life That is Less Ordinary(net 100 ec credits). Sorry it's just lately that I saw the transaction entry--I was used to read it in email before but I just didn't what's wrong with the ec before that I haven't got any message about it. Luckily, I view the transaction section in ec site and I have thanked these peeps before the end of this month.

So, this is all for now and have a nice day folks! Thank you all for the unselfish thoughts!

July 23, 2009

As far as myself is concern about this bloggers networking site
Entrecard that was recently bought by ZipRunner, Inc. Los Angeles last July 16, I am thankful to them and will continue being a member. Most entrecarders knew that lots of members who went out because of the paid ads implemented few months ago (which I haven't did and haven't been into cashing out my credits but am not complaining). The good news for the members who are not happy about it? -- no paid ads no more! Just yesterday the new Director of Business Development(Cindy Ung), announced that effective immediately EC will no longer accept applications for “paid ads” on entrecarders widget space. And the cons? -- the management also eliminate the “credit cashout program.” The good news for those who wants to cashout their credits? --for two days onward beginning today they will distribute the remaining funds from the “paid ads” to users on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once these funds run out, they will reissue credits back to those users who applied for the cashout program but did not receive money. An email notification will be sent out to the users.

And also she pointed out that the company understands that eliminating the “credit cashout program” may upset some users. However, Entrecard is actively developing ways for Entrecard users to use, sell and trade their credits. And this is on the top of their priority list. And that's from the word of the new management which was forwarded on my email. Once again, goodbye ec paid ads for now! Let's stay tuned for the updates entrecarders!

For more info, visit EC blog site. Happy entrecarding!

Blog Fusion

July 21, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

This is for entrecarders. Some might already know about this--that, Inc. which was being found by Graham Langdon has created a buzz stating telling everyone(especially entrecarders) that it was officially acquired by ZipRunner, Inc. Los Angeles as of date July 16, 2009. And the said new owner face its members announcing through entrecard blog posting on the next day(July 17) that they will be pleased to go over with the management of the said bloggers social networking site. Most entrecarders knew that it just last month it was turn into bloggers and advertisers rendezvous too that's why there were some moved out knowing the happenings on it. Well for me, as far as to cash-out is concern, I have a good hard-earned credits which I haven't cash out in return even once. And am not complaining huh? --it's a credits for blog advertising though.. I have to say that am thankful and very glad with the said network because I found and bonds lots of cool bloggers and most are my very good friends already until now. So, let's just see what will happen then.. I just hope that the new management will then work as what the vision and mission of entrecard is. S o then, happy entrecarding! muahh!


July 02, 2009

I acknowledge my Top Entrecard Droppers for the month of June(day 1-30). This is from the record of Statistics in EC site. I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart and all of the droppers who didn't make to top 10, yet, drops me as often too. I hope you didn't drop and run huh? (~_~). Anyway, I would also like to say that I will taking down slow now of dropping EC and make it not to drop and run (which sometimes I did it before) and I guess some of the top droppers too? (~_~). Well, I am determine now to at least stay at the site I will have to drop on at least 3 minutes of staying. What I will do for that time? I will read, comment, or message at the cbox/shoutbox/or any comment form corner and stroll in each site. Probably, I couldn't make the perfect 300 drops by then. Am proud to say that starting from the month March or middle February, I made it always 300 everyday. And just recently, sad to say that I found out my blog bounce rate is very big and determined now to decrease it. So folks, don't worry because it's just my time that I have to increase to visit you as always. And perhaps I will just drop to peeps who do the same. Anyway, Graham Langdon, an entrecard owner and manager, is taking an action against the bounce rate that I just read in entrecard blog and am happy about it. It's a coincidence that we're of the same time to take an action for my blog too. So back to my acknowledgement, I would really thank a lot to my visitors, readers, and all. So, here are the my entrecard buddies and co-bloggers who made the top 10:

DropperS: ------------------------ #of drops :
BMWF1Blog ------------------------------ 30
Secondary Roads -------------------------- 30
AGUSTINIANS ---------------------------- 30
Symphony of Love ------------------------- 30
Lainy's Musings --------------------------- 29
Everything Has A Reason -------------------- 29
The Ad Master --------------------------- 29
In This Life Of Ours ------------------------ 29
Girls Are Made Up of Sugar & Spice And
ng Nice ------------------------- 29
Random Ramblings ------------------------ 28

Thank you so much!

Chuchie Lopez-Wilks

May 30, 2009

Acknowledging my Top 10 Entrecard Droppers for the month of May are the following:
The Ad Master ---------------------------------------- 31 drops

Jean sQuad ------------------------------------------- 31 drops

Secondary Roads ------------------------------------- 31 drops

Happy Moments.. Happy Thoughts! --------------- 29 drops

Spices of Life & Everything Nice -------------------- 29 drops

BMWF1Blog ------------------------------------------ 29 drops

Random Detoxification ----------------------------- 29 drops

MAMA THINKS -------------------------------------- 28 drops

Random Ramblings --------------------------------- 28 drops

Slightly Sarcastic ----------------------------------- 28 drops

Thank you everyone! Thank you so much entrecarders! Kudos to you!


posted by: Cacai M.

The weather for today and for the last consecutive two days are quiet cold, well, it's still spring season but it feels weird to me knowing that it's about summer already.

EC last two weeks ago also had been weird to me for the past consecutive two days for that time frame. Why? It was because I was about 240 drops that time but it went back to zero, yet I still dropped beginning from 1 because I don't want to have a mess with my dropping record since I knew about EC thingy. Way back then about it, I didn't recorded my EC balance before that time though.. I didn't react though my fingers sore to drop EC again, hahahah! But yesterday I checked my EC drops record towards the blogs I love to visit, holah! I had missed some drops a day! yet, I did dropped at it! For the record I always see my drops everyday and make it to always 300 even if haven't post any. I make it sure that I blog walked everyday! errrr... weird! Am planning to submit a ticket but I don't know if I'll pursue because that's just a little thing, EC administrators informed about it that they had a bug, am glad it goes good well already now.. I hope there's no issues about it again.

Google Friend Connect too seems weird to me last days. Am glad Tita VhingF informed me about it and some bloggers friends post update me about it. Temporarily I remove it after Tita Vhing told me. At first I followed some advise that it will just be placed at the page footer or at the top and everything will be fine with the Internet Explorer browser. Am talking here about my blog that can't be viewed in IE and bloggers found out it's because of such widget that most bloggers placed on their blogs. So, what I did is I just remove it temporarily. Anyway, it's just easy to put it back and am quiet sure that it's still in-tacked with all the data.

Another weird one that I experience at the present, about two weeks already and until now that I can't normally open my yahoo messenger. I wonder what happened. I lost contact with some of my dear friends and family already. grrrr!

Huh! so far, these are the weirdness I remember that I encounter. I still have other but I forgot, thinking about it. heheh.. Pretty weird, eh?

Hemmmm... how about you, did you encounter some weird happenings back days and present then like me?

May 02, 2009

I would like to thank you my Top 10 EC Droppers for this April Month. Thanks a lot droppers for your continued support. You deserve for appreciation and thank you. Hope to see you next month.. God bless you all more!

You may also like to visit their sites folks, just click their respective names. Have a pleasant day to you! ... muahhh!

April 21, 2009

Whew! it was two days that I'd been struggling to get my internet connection back to normal! Uh-uh last days it's so frustrating that it's always on it's ranting mode! but now it's over, at last! My internet service provider then offered to add ten bucks every month to make it as better as normal so I expect this not to on and off anymore because we got the company offered. Well, the internet connection is also the reason why in two days I haven't been posting here. Supposedly, I have two posts to do aside from the awards and tags but what the heck had been done. Ohhh well, enough for this angst and two days of internet connection frustration of mine because as I said it's over now. I mean the signal is back to normal already and I would like to thank the technician and of course the Good Lord for that even though I haven't been in the church last Sunday. Maybe that's also the punishment God gave me.. heheheh. So then, if ever it is, it's over now! So, how have you doing folks? By the way, I have something to give you good information guys about how to drop ec in a little time. I just discovered this yesterday and am working of my own droplist soon so it will be easy for me then to drop on your blog folks! My blogroll peepz has been my daily routine to visit their respective blog or some have blogs and it makes me sick if I can't visit them so I find way to make it easier. I am currently working on this and as soon I finished it already, I will then disclose it to you my friends, just bear with me in a little time and you will also can benefit of this. The only requirement is you have a high speed of internet and mozilla browser. And we will be happy entrecarding! muahhh!


April 02, 2009

Thanks to you my March Top 10 Dropaholics! THANK YOU SO MUCH bloggers behind the above blogs who've shown a great effort to drop-by everyday here in my blog. YOU DESERVE TO BE APPRECIATED my co-bloggers! To all, you can click their blog title and you will be directed to their respective blogs and you will see their awesome write-ups too! And I would like also to grab this opportunity to all the droppers, readers, viewers, visitors, friends, acquaintances, classmates, and all! Thank you so much of your continued patronage! Lab yah! God bless you more folks! muahhh...

March 02, 2009


My Life's ADventure = 25 drops
simplehappylife = 25 drops Chuchie's Hideaway = 25 drops
Lights Camera Action = 24 drops

SURVIVOR: the REALITY of my LIFE = 23 drops

Search Engine Panel = 20 drops

Turn-u-off = 20 drops

Happy Moments.. Happy Thoughts = 19 drops

Wonderful Things in Life = 19 drops

Tips n Wrinkles- Save Money and The World = 19 drops

See you all droppers on the next month toplist. May you guys got it perfect. God bless and more power to the droppers! Kudos!

Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post