Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

June 21, 2013

Yes, you read it right --- today, June 21st is the first day of Summer Season 2013 here in USA. Today marks the beginning of Summer Solstice 2013. Yay! Hooray for the summer journey!

I cannot agree more because before this day, it has been about a week, that I feel like always dehydrated because of the weather here in Los Angeles, California. I'm not sure if we have the same weather but really it felt terrible. I was not able to enjoy my days with my little one because of such weather and I felt like I had a fever for days. I even thought that my flu shot was fighting with a flu during those times. Ooh well, summer made its steps before it hit its first day!

There are a lot of ways to combat hot season like eating cold watermelon, drinking cold drinks and any cold stuffs. Also go to shady areas like under the trees.

And so, happy summer everyone! Smile. :)

March 20, 2012

United States of America has four (4) seasons, namely: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. As in, the seasons divided the year into four (as there are four) to set the season's feel. As to my own thought, Spring Season is the beginning of cold season or snowy time, the Winter. Then the Spring, is the beginning of warm/hot season, the summer (sun tanning time). And spring fun is here!

Today is first day of Spring 2012, March 20. What have you done right now? What are you up to? Any plans? For sure there is if you have something doing there for this day, well, not just the topical day, isn't it? Maybe first warm walk? Whatever it is, enjoy the rest of this first Spring season throughout year 2012!

Happy Spring Season USA folks!

June 21, 2011

Spring Season of United States of A has just ended. June 21st of year 2011 marks the first day of summer. Hurray! Are you happy? Isn't it going to be hot then? Not me of course, but the weather. Well, that's what summer is all about. We just have to embrace it. Actually a lot of folks like summer. Summer means fun! Sunbathing, tanning and all of the field activities a family and friends imagined during cold season can be done. Oops swimming! Did I say swimming and barbecuing? That's what most folks looking forward to. Being in field is fun. Fun, fun, fun! Join me of welcoming the summer season. Let's enjoy the weather!

November 21, 2010

It had been two days today raining here in my place and I do not know there in yours, is it raining there by the way? How is your weather currently? Is your weather has been treating you well?

Three days ago (Friday, Pacific Standard Time), we just had rain showers on and off. It was yesterday it became a bit increasing of its on and off. Then came today (dawn/morning) it is raining again just like yesterday. My question and wonder is, would its raindrops increase? As in more rain? I hope not a flood or something (God forbid!). It did not bother us though. Instead it is a music unto my ears, oops only the raindrops and not the deep thought, okay?!

And the counting go on? Whatever! ;-) As long as it do not do harm then I do not have a problem with it. I have to mind my own business and the raindrops would have to mind its own business too! Ha ha ha! ;-)

Have a happy Sunday (Monday to other parts of the world) everyone!

March 15, 2010

How do you like designer clothes folks? Do you want it as that you have to save so if you have enough already you can buy it? Or you just simply like it? Designer clothes like of Free People are just simply awesome for this spring season. As in you will love to have it if you like fashion with design. Is spring here yet? Oops, I am wondering if spring is already here since yesterday is the change of time here USA (excluding Hawaii and Arizona) --- it is already one hour forward meaning it is already sixteen (16) hours behind of time from Philippines (am specifying this to those Filipino folks who have families here in US and are watching their clocks for the time being). I have heard that spring is yet to come, some said it will be on the this twentieth (March 20) for ET (Eastern Time) or twenty-first (March 21) for Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) and some said it is already Spring because the clock change one hour already yesterday, which is which anyway? Whatever it is the thing is spring season is here or coming! So a season of about see-through clothes or thin too! :-) Are you ready? :-) For me, I am really ready for the sunshine! How about you, are you excited? :-)

March 09, 2010

turquoise {color of the year}

Be it a dress {whole dress, shirts, shorts, skirts, jeans}, shoes {sandal, pump shoes, flat/ballet, flip flop}, shawl, cap, and the like as long as it dresses my bod up, is my weakness personally --- I admit. :-) Though clothing is a necessity but I go beyond to urban clothing, this is perhaps the urge of having do not have a lot when I was young and part of growing up aside from I live now in urban neighborhood. You know... we also have to blend in to our surroundings and the season. Oops, is it about spring yet? Yep, it is coming on next days... and am excited not just for spring cleaning but for the change of weather. And my turquoise dress is waiting.. :-) I am thinking of wearing such this Sunday on my bessy Au child baptism that was why I bought such {actually three} yesterday and a pair of stiletto black sandal. It is a bit pricey but sometimes I have to indulge myself shopping as stress-reliever too aside from the fact that clothing is my weakness and it is just a walking distance to where I (me and DH) live. It is accessible and I love that fact. By the way, DH treat me for that, okay? :-) Oops! By the way, the image is intentionally blurred for some purpose. :-)

February 17, 2010

at the parking lot, that blue building where my DH works---look at the two front trees, were those dead?

Yep, this image was taken (from my cellphone cam) as of new year (January 1) this year the time that we went to DH workplace. For now(winter season), most of the trees looks like that dead ones. It does not snow in the city where I am in here in Southern, California yet still the trees are like in snow areas---seems dead. Though I am not that in awe when seeing trees like these yet I recalled when I first saw such. I thought it really were dead. But to tell you, it will become green again when spring come in. So that is it. That is my share of my wordless one. I am not wordless now but the first time I saw it, really I was wordless (like the image below)! :-(

February 05, 2010

the carport below in the apartment (taken recently; night time)

It is raining men! It is raining in my place right now. This started lately early in the morning then went all the way until this time. Even with that DH went to Long Beach to had his hair cut. Then hours later after he arrived home, he ordered lunch good for two (and what could other be when we are just two in the house? *winkz*). Then we went to the neighboring city (Pasadena) but before we got the order we went strolling first around the area though we were just inside the car since it was raining and it is until now. DH played a loud sound and it made me happy, it was not loud on the outside part concerning about other drivers because it was raining hard. Pasadena is nice, big buildings than our city and it is pretty organize like our city. :-) So then we strolled around and I got to see again the beauty of the place before we off to get the food. It was a pretty strolling and I was happy with the DH as well. Then the rain continued. I had the shot minutes before I write this. It shows the amount of rain that the apartment complex (where we live) carport has. When it is just normal rain, it would not look like that because it has its own water port. And below the recent image by the way was the image during the powerful storm which happened about four weeks ago here in SoCal. You can also click the image to enlarge if you feel like to.
carport on the 20th of January during series of rainstorm (during daytime)

And it is still raining until now here in my place. So what about in yours folks, did it rain in there? I hope you are in the best of everything... hugs and kisses.. muahhh!

January 23, 2010

posted by: Cacai M.

After how many days of raining here in Southern California, at last the sun shines for long and no rain no more (sunshine after the rains)! Thanks God. The rain started Saturday---the 16th of this month and it ended yesterday. What a series days of rains huh! Yep, we SoCal actually was hit with rainstorm and the areas (that was wrecked by fire last summer) and its surroundings were having flood and muddy. Some owner of the houses affected were sad that they don't got a home insurance even from affordable ones. Now, people are inquiring some insurance quotes so by circumstances like this, they won't be that so affected. By the way, here in my place, East Alhambra, were not that much affected (thanks God) but we were not spared by the wind, cold, and as I said unending days of rain. And these are the sky's images today from here in our place.

view from the 2nd floor center of the apartment complex

view from left side center of the 2nd floor apartment complex

view from the right side center of the 2nd floor apartment complex

Happy weekend folks! Have a good one... the sun is smiling on us and the clouds are having their journey dancing in the sky... :-)

December 25, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

My friend in Wisconsin was married last year. It's not such a different news because the couple are very in-love with each other. The fact that they planned their marriage date on Winter season is quiet something but perhaps unique. I could say because mostly brides want to wear sleeveless wedding gowns or such pretty much enticing gowns but as I said theirs were not since they want a snowy, cold one. Well, I do not have a disagreement since that was what they want. It is just that it was pretty unique. And the couple were very much excited about it, in fact, they have their wedding accessories and all the wedding stuffs prepare one month before the wedding date. All in all, the wedding went well and both families of the couple were happy and of course the couple did. And now they are still very loving with each other and savors every moment that they are together. Isn't there winter wedding ceremony idea awesome? For me, yes it was though ours was held in the summer season. Though they have a unique one but I guess for many isn't because of the weather and such. Well, everyone has a unique idea in their own way. I am then happy for every couple's choice, as long as they are happy with each other.

December 14, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Nine days to go for Christmas! OOH hah! Are you ready for the Christmas celebration folks? Hemmm.. since Christmas is already in the air, I guess most of you are excited and that's great! All I can say is be happy even though there's no new for this special day.

By the way, as the days are counting down for Christmas, rains are also pouring here in my place. This is unusual for me. From three years of my stay in here, it's just this time that it's raining for consecutive days. Am glad it didn't rain today. It was Friday last week until Sunday that it did. I was happy of it because it is not hard that it cause into flood or whatsoever. The raindrops that we had were music to my ears since I had not witnessed raindrops for so long already. Below is the image of the sky last Friday, apparently no clouds appeared that day.

Have a great week folks! Enjoy the countdown and I hope it will not rain hard if there's rain forecast this week and in the coming days.. To God be the glory!

October 18, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Just want to say Happy Sunday! Or lemme say Happy Monday at the other side of the world! Have fun and enjoy this day! I hope you all the best!

Just a glimpse of the weather here in my place, it's kinda windy and gloomy today but no rain. The weather forecast said that it will only goes up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. It is sun and clouds mixed. Ooh what a day! Great. And am loving it! (~_~)

August 06, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Hi folks, how are you today? how's the weather at your place? In mine, it is okay and it's not hot as like yesterday--it's of 80+ degrees Fahrenheit. So I like it! My bod is in neutral condition as of now plus the wind cooperates (much air I got of where am I now).. thanks God. By the way, I would like to introduce my second blog named " THOUGHTS, IDEAS, and RESOURCES ". You can also see in the link bar below the header of this site to be redirected to its own site aside from clicking the highlighted title here. A little introduction of it is that it is a personal random thoughts of thoughts, ideas I have in mind, and the resources or where will I get some source of it. More of like solution of the scenario. So then, it is a blog composed of anything, everything, and all the things comes up. See yah there.. hugs!

June 03, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Hello everyone, how have you been doing all? I hope all is well. By the way, I was absent from class today because the weather is not good--the sun isn't shining until now and it's cold and windy. Lately there is a thunderstorm for about 5 minutes consecutively sounds popping-in. How about yours in your place, how's your weather? Am just glad that electric current isn't down and no more thunderstorm for 3 hours already so I guess it's not a very big deal, it's just the cold weather. What I did is just relax and watch tv lately. And ohhh by the way speaking of entertainment stuff, have you check plasma televisions lately at Lots of sale in there.. you better check it out folks if you're planning to buy flat screen one. Have a happy week all!

May 30, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

The weather for today and for the last consecutive two days are quiet cold, well, it's still spring season but it feels weird to me knowing that it's about summer already.

EC last two weeks ago also had been weird to me for the past consecutive two days for that time frame. Why? It was because I was about 240 drops that time but it went back to zero, yet I still dropped beginning from 1 because I don't want to have a mess with my dropping record since I knew about EC thingy. Way back then about it, I didn't recorded my EC balance before that time though.. I didn't react though my fingers sore to drop EC again, hahahah! But yesterday I checked my EC drops record towards the blogs I love to visit, holah! I had missed some drops a day! yet, I did dropped at it! For the record I always see my drops everyday and make it to always 300 even if haven't post any. I make it sure that I blog walked everyday! errrr... weird! Am planning to submit a ticket but I don't know if I'll pursue because that's just a little thing, EC administrators informed about it that they had a bug, am glad it goes good well already now.. I hope there's no issues about it again.

Google Friend Connect too seems weird to me last days. Am glad Tita VhingF informed me about it and some bloggers friends post update me about it. Temporarily I remove it after Tita Vhing told me. At first I followed some advise that it will just be placed at the page footer or at the top and everything will be fine with the Internet Explorer browser. Am talking here about my blog that can't be viewed in IE and bloggers found out it's because of such widget that most bloggers placed on their blogs. So, what I did is I just remove it temporarily. Anyway, it's just easy to put it back and am quiet sure that it's still in-tacked with all the data.

Another weird one that I experience at the present, about two weeks already and until now that I can't normally open my yahoo messenger. I wonder what happened. I lost contact with some of my dear friends and family already. grrrr!

Huh! so far, these are the weirdness I remember that I encounter. I still have other but I forgot, thinking about it. heheh.. Pretty weird, eh?

Hemmmm... how about you, did you encounter some weird happenings back days and present then like me?

May 19, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Hemmm... rocky road flavor ice cream one pint a day is my current daily routine now. Or if not mocha from one good established company, mmmmm.. Remember my post about coffee for me? I really like the taste and my appetite is beginning to find such if not being absorb in the mouth once a day, huhuhuh.. but not really such huhuh but heheh.. (got it folks? hahah). Am glad hubby always goes to 7/11 every after work and handed me as he's at home. Yay! and am happy about it. Actually, am eating it now while posting in here. *wink* let's eat folks! Just taking note that after eating will have a tooth brush and gargle a mouth wash then dental floss to avoid cavities. Hubby and me is very particular about my teeth because it's getting very sensitive. Nah! you can't really tell how much it's sensitive having a 5 fillings makes me more say uh! yep, I can't even finish my teeth whitening session before even the dentist told that the materials and stuff to use is teeth sensitive-free but holah! it hurts my teeth - I mean makes it so sensitive that I could have to cry about it so I decide not to finish it, I was just glad that there's a good result though it's not fully what I expected. Well then, back to the ice cream and coffee mocha flavor, yep it's so good! it's yummy as you can't resist it's taste folks especially these days that summer is on the way and the weather is starting to hit the hotness! Thanks God there's no reported wild fire after the Santa Barbara County incident. I hope there will be no fire this summer, it's impossible to imagine but am still hoping. So then, be sure to have a tooth brush after eating ice cream and drinking mocha coffee huh? Have a pleasant hot day folks!

May 08, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

It seems every season especially summer there's a fire in California of which some kind of expected already. In fact, all of the house owners need to comply home insurances in order to be ready of this said accident. This will then turn into calamity, so it's better to be ready at all times. I don't know what is really happen that this state is prone to this fire incident. I guess it's because of the weather nowadays that it's too hot and some of the bad peeps just throw cigarettes everywhere especially those arsonists that just their goal is to create fire. Those are crazy peeps. They like trouble and people will put into bad situation, crazy isn't it? I guess it's more on the weather problem (I guess) that fires could create wilderness, it's been wild! - a wild fire and it's no fun! no good! but bad (of course)! Fire fighters are always alert most importantly this season that it will be summer soon. Well then, from now on I will have to post every time there's an incident happened in this state where I am now. This serves as a record or some.

Lately, my sister called me and we talked of some kind of sisterly and friend-talk as well as she checked if I already got the package she sent me - suppose to be it will arrive of this day and yeah it did! heheh, I just got it and I love it very much not just that she's one of my best but because of the thought through the birthday card she sent me it's so meaningful and I got about to cry as I read it, whew! I love my sister much! Thanks a lot sis, I love the stuffs you sent me too and you know that. Anyway, as we talked her husband told of what's the update of the fire already, and I just said huh? I didn't know that! shame on me... huhuhuh... that am here but do not know what happened in my sorroundings t_t. so what I did after we talked was that I went to the room and watched the news together with my husband and yeah, it's on-going - I saw the fire live on tv -Santa Barbara County Burns! The homes in there got destroyed got destroyed and thirty-thousand (30,000) people already evacuated. This was the news at 12:27 pm today (May 08, 2009). Fire fighters did their very best as of now and I hope not so lots of properties damaged and most importantly the people in that county. Vice-president of Farmers Insurance, Paul Quinn said that secure the ones life first and most essential of this incident because insurance is there to take place of the belongings and homes that has been damaged. Life is too precious not to protect! By the way, Paul Quinn lives 45 miles away from the fire and fortunately away from the wild fires. I will update more of this in the long-run then for some info.

Thank You FIRST COMMENTER : Demcy Apdian Diaz

May 07, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

The weather today is hot and humid. This starts two days ago until now but before these days, it also came 3 weeks ag0 for three consecutive days that made up my lips dry and had my sore. I was then sick that time too because of that hot weather. It's not this normal for the spring season as what I know. It's still not summer but we then have this already. Yesterday I mistakenly dressed-up with long sleeves ended up into because I don't have time anymore to changed it for I will be then late at school. I said to my seatmate at school that if only I knew that it will be that hot then I will dressed-up like it was but then it's not that out-of-weather clothes because am not only the one who wore like what I had and still spring and windy then after wards, so not so shame... heheh... but ohhh the wind is hot too! huhuhuh. I guess this will be going be hot on the next days over so I will prepare my summer clothes already... weeeee... And am not concern about my dry lips because I always have in my bag or purse my lip shiner or lip balm to get rid of cracking. You should bring too folks for lip protection especially nowadays. I will then check the weather website after this in order for me to plan ahead the clothes I wear and so forth. It's better to know ahead folks! By the way, I had a lesson learned from my hubby and classmate that if you have sore in your gum or wherever it is inside your mouth ("lo-as") in Pilipino dialect in Philippines), gargle mouth rinse and put salt in the desired sore area or eat something salty. I hope it works for you folks because it worked for me.

April 21, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Huhuhuh. Yep! Supposedly or supposed to be my shopping day of two full length coat(black and brown) at Burlington Factory at Baldwin but in any sense I haven't got it even if it's already there and we're there! What? What happened? That is what I sense will then be your question to me folks if am not mistaken. It's just that I guess of my own word it's a punishment of God to me, as I mentioned in my other post . Well, I don't want to talk it on detail, it's just that we (hubby and me) went to the store using our gps because it's our first time to go in there and it's some kind of far from our home. Hubby just drived me there because I can't find it online as I browse at the e-store . I was just unfortunate enough because it's limited and mostly they sell the short-length coat and for the spring and summer clothes. And I really want to buy it even if it didn't fit to the weather now, it is because it's we can save more if we will buy not for the fit season and also I need it when going to school on windy days and inside the room. So then, it's just happened that we run out of time and eager to go home already. Ahhhh, I felt not good when we're there! so postponed! errr... I will just then browse in internet if there is or hubby will then drive me this weekend too to get it. I tell you folks, it's been how many weeks already that I want to buy of it but am no lucky, maybe this weekend or online as I browse in here. I hope so. I hope it's still on sale! lol. (~_~)
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  • April 04, 2009

    posted by: Cacai M.

    Hello everyone, sorry for delayed for you know I was some kind of busy doing stuffs here and there especially looking for a suit that satisfies my body for the season. I wanna tell you about my great shopping experie nce. Since I know my size already, I prefer to shop online to save time and effort, much more that am looking for a sale. heheheh. So then, I got stumbled upon the ShopWiki e-store. And as I was there I got into Clothing For Women Buying Guide which of course satisfies my category as a woman that gives me the good time t o brow se what I want to and the buying guide is awesome! It will tell you the info' s you like to. There are also designers clothes if you want to and it's there's also lots of latest fashion trends if you're fun of trendy clothes guys. And you can find good deal! Isn't that awesome folks?
    With that, since it's Spring season already that it's time to change our clothes from thick ones to the light ones. From thick coats and dresses down to the sundresses. Wow! I love sundresses! I have sundresses but just few so I will have to add more because it will be hot soon. And I got sick if my body won't adopt to the surroundings so am preparing now. So I got this Spring Style Guide For Women and there I find it under the Bright and Light. I just like because I can also see the diffe
    rent styles from signature ones to the not-so signature but of good quality and a good price. Wow! I can't wait to see it personally as it will be delivered to our home.
    Moreover, I thought of sharing the website to my husband because he's thinking few days ago of buying an office suits particularly the belt and shoes in addition to what he had so what I did is I clicked to the clothing buying guide and there I find
    Clothing for M en as one of the highlights of the page and I shared it to him and now he's browsing on his other computer. We will have to order in one time so it will be delivered together. So then, happy shopping everyone!

    Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post