Showing posts with label greeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greeting. Show all posts

November 27, 2013

Tomorrow (Nov 28, '13) will be the Thanksgiving Day celebration here in United States of A. So this is a pre-day greeting to all of you folks! Am I the first one to greet you? I hope so! Ha ha!

And so, what is your plan for tomorrow? What will you be preparing? Turkey, green beans, mashed potato and some wine? Some music? Ah ha! I bet it would be a lot of fun for family, friends or colleague. That is so awesome of  you guys! I also think you would go to the church as a basic solemn place to thank God above everything else, or it is not really necessary to go there if it is not possible. One can even pray in the solemn place in the house, but of course it is great to be in the church --- whichever works, right?

Once again, Advance (for tomorrow) Happy Thanksgiving everyone! For me, I'm always thankful that I'm still here doing some posting. I'm thankful of you!

Have a great day and continue to be grateful for every challenge and of course the smiles. Be optimistic as well as realistic. Don't forget to be happy despite of the downs or trials in life, it's just spices. Hold your ground. Smile! :-)

October 09, 2012

It is already two hours after midnight here in my end. It is already Tuesday, the day after yesterday, the Monday. :-) It was such a good day for me because it was a holiday and hubby let me sleep for quite the normal routine I have, meaning he help me with our Sarah. Happy me. :-)

Then come Tuesday, we all be busy on our each other's journey. Him, busy with work and me, busy with the apple of our eyes and you know who. :-) Still I have to say "Happy Tuesday" to everyone. Talking about spreading the positive vibes. Hoping it would attract of what it is intended to.

Then let's make the starting step now. Why don't you do it! Go! :-) Again, Happy Tuesday! :)

April 20, 2012

It is every this day of the week that employees tend to shout "yay, it is weekend soon"! And yes that is true since I experienced that before and oops, not only me but my co-workers too! Time flies fast, eh? Seems like it was just Monday yesterday and now it is already Friday. It jumped huh! I like it though since something's important in our family matter is coming and will be done soon. Yay! --- of that!

Now let me greet you, Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy and have fun the rest of the week! Oops, enjoy responsibly! :-)

... weekend is coming! :-)

April 12, 2012

It is Thursday again. It is this day when Friday-off workers has to prepare themselves for the last day of their works. Though it is still 40 hours a week, but thinking about it is awesome for me. Why? You already know that I am not an office worker. I am just a stay-at-home-mom and a stay-at-home-wife. So now you already guessed whom I am referring to? Yes, you bet it! You got it. Before I knew it, just leave it on your own. Anyway, that doesn't matter with my sweet greeting to you to " Have a great happy Thursday" ! How's the day on your end?

I hope you have a great one and enjoying life (it is what it is for anyway) despite of the trials and struggles. Enjoy responsibly! Once again, Have a Great Thursday!

March 29, 2012

This has been a late post already but since it is already in the draft, I just then have to published it. It may not make sense to you but without Thursday it won't be a complete weekdays! :-)

Yep, "Happy Thursday" to all of you! This is from my time if you excuse if it's not (or it's not yet) Thursday anymore of your time there. Anyway, how's the rest of the weekdays did? I hope it's fine, better yet it already passed. Woohoo! Ooh, yeah right. Now one day more and weekdays already done. Time to face the weekends then. What's new with that? New journey, new steps of the process, way or what you call, ain't it?

And so, what's the plan for the coming last day of the weekdays? I hope you all have a great time upon planning forward. Smile. :-)

March 24, 2012

Saturday has its own journey. It can't be stopped, nor it can be advanced. It steadily go a week after week.

It may not be a great and full of fun Saturday for you but for Saturday, it is already a fun one since it already passed then, don't you think? He! What made me think of such. Alright, it's the start of weekend. I may not be going to shop or stroll the way I want to, I many not be as happy and relax as the other Saturdays but for sure, I am happy that my DH can stay in our house as he don't get up early five o'clock in the morning (5:00 a.m.) for seven o'clock (7:00 a.m.) work and come back at after six o'clock in the afternoon going evening (6:00 pm). He may have stuffs to go which needs him to go out in the house but not that much compared of him working in the office. The catch? I can wash clothes, have a long shower and anything that need attention of our daughter Sam as a sitter. I don't do things which take long or out in the house (doing laundry is meters away out in our apartment though it is just here in the complex) without Sam's sitter.

And so, have a great Saturday! Smile. :-)

March 19, 2012

I have a great day today. Though I woke-up late after being awake at dawn time (I cannot sleep thinking of the soon-happened day of my daughter two days from now) and haven't eaten yet (am in diet you know, I just have a little meal too) to which am hungry now, but am fine. Oops, it is very fine of having a small meal as I am in diet now. Good thing I am not breastfeeding. Alright, my daughter is already six months old anyway. :-)

And so, despite of the thoughts in my mind of my family journey specifically for my daughter two days from now, God knows how to comfort me, HE gives me what I need and even what I want. Great words I got yesterday and some good things happen today which makes my heart fonder. Thank you Lord for the blessings! Indeed, I have a great Monday. And I am sharing this, as a positive vibe. Let's spread the positive vibe! Smile because you deserve it!

March 18, 2012

I know it's not Sunday anymore in some part of the world that is why I specify my location. Today is Sunday. It is time for church. Family bonding. In short, happy time. Weekend is relaxing time. And greeting time for family and friends (and even acquaintances and not), so, Happy Weekend/Sunday everyone! Enjoy the rest of the day. Enjoy responsibly.

January 20, 2012

Every 21st day of January (in Philippines' time) marks the birthday of my biological mother. Yes, the one who brought me into the world, the one who carried me nine months on her tummy. I am an illegitimate child and I don't know the real story why it happened as like that, oops! Just kidding. Yes, I know. And nothing but fate is the reason. Alright. Whatever the story of some other people (I don't know what's the story of my mother for me, but she just don't want to open it up, after all that was already long time ago and she has already her family without me, beginning when I was nine (9) years old but that 's fine, that's what it is. Every person has a story to tell but for me, I just have to accept the reality, the actuality and leave as it is, nothing I can do anyway but just to accept and move on with my life. Grudge won't help! That 's for sure. God is good and he lead me in a good way.), I don't care. This is my life. My lovely life. :-) Positive attitude attracts positive vibe. Alright, this post is for my mother, Gloria who is celebrating her birthday today. I know she won't be able to read this but I don't care. This is my journal, my diary, and so. My random thought, my journey. I have to shout to the world wide web just to greet her a happy birthday. "Isn't that sweet"?, you might say and I don't know what to answer. I just want to let her know that I remember her birthday and wishes her all the best.

December 27, 2011

Another Christmas season I am going to spend here in United States of A. This counts from four years ago. My journey isn't easy, it isn't hard either. I don't have regrets, it's only that if only, God spared the congenital defect of my daughter which nobody (yes, even my doctor!) knows when I was still pregnant. Oops! Not that way, nobody can question God, alright. It's just that I am in the modern place and one of the top country in the world (if not number one), why oh why? I could go on and on but then, it's too late to say it since it's already here. My precious one and only baby had her first open-heart surgery already to which, she will going to have other two to correct fully the defect, of course she can live a normal life just like any other child and can do stuffs like them, isn't that great? I am thankful that she's with us and very active one after such incident she had. She smiles, giggles, coos, babbles and even imitate my smiles. Ooh laughter's and tears bind together makes me complete. I admit, it is no easy one. I am the only one that can give her the milk and medicines. Yes, her daddy can but I am the one, primary one, who's going to prepare for it in time, sometimes, when DH like to help me. No family and friends to support me hands-on. And DH said he cannot afford for a nanny since we're just on an average-income family. And he has to work in order to survive. Imagine that! Okay, so much about it. We just have to focus the lighter note, what better to talk on anyway. Let's just have to focus the bright side that makes the equilibrium higher than the opposite one. I am so much blessed to have my baby love. And that makes me merry this Christmas despite of the other lacks. God is good! How about you, what can you be thankful for as being merry for this Christmas? Being alive is more than enough, so, we must embrace that! Merry Christmas everyone!

July 19, 2011

When I think of Tuesday, I can think of ruby. Ooh well, ruby is a first word of  a phrase Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday? Oops this is not a Ruby Tuesday post but just a greeting to everyone. How's your daily travel? How's your work? How's everything? Cacai M. is doing well though I have to catch-up at 7pm today for my Materni-Tea and Tour at Women's Pavillion, in the hospital where I have to deliver my coming-baby Sarah Ann. I need to fix myself, eat and go! Lately I sleep a lot, I need it. Then found myself looking at the baby dresses and stuffs I bought. Dang! I bought a lot not knowing it has been more already, only to find out I already got the tags so no way to return it. But anyway, it is great to see those ones. I feel like I am already a mother. Would you believe that I am always looking at it, for maybe days already, well, about a week just to arrange and make sure the baby will be fine and always safe as well as comfortable during cold days. September is the beginning of colder days you know. Ah,  mommy-to-be journey is fun at the same time a bit something to stress-on but just a bit, more of excited and being complete soon. *smile*

July 10, 2011

Nope, I don't have insomnia nor sleepy. It is just that I charged of sleep lately. I had some good relaxation. And aside from those, I have something to do. Yes, am motivated to do it! Rock on! Ha! First, am not stressing myself, okay? I had the ceiling fan here in my computer table on. Just had a little meal. It's okay. I know it's not good to eat at night but I did not eat breakfast because I was still asleep. It is my body clock for a time and I know I did not put my health in peril I got to cook spaghetti, cooked rice and viand. I did some household stuffs and some online family and friends thing. Okay, I am in control of my time, thanks goodness, thanks God. Time check here in my place now is: 12:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time. How about you there, what time is yours? Are you in the best of everything? I hope so, I hope all the best in you, in your personal journey and alike (whatever you do as of the moment)! ~muahhhugs~

June 17, 2011

How was your day folks? I hope you have an awesome one. I know some of you think it's already Saturday but then I based this on my time. *wink* Well, it isn't bad, isn't it? Friday is a fly-day? As in flying -away from work because most folks don't have work on the next two days afterwards. Hence, thanks God it's Friday! One can have a happy night because no work on the next day. This is usually a co-workers night as I said it's the last day or I might have to say night as co-workers can bond together, so it's beer time! Oops! ;-) For me, not that so good because I missed my ob-gyn appointment for my sugar test but then I already rescheduled it the next week so not that bad. :-) Ooh how did I missed it, huh! Ooh well, better not to tell but embrace the moment. Ha! Alright, I woke-up before 9 am (my scheduled appointment) but I never realized I need to get up and go for it, I just totally forgot. Grrr! And I woke-up already passed 12 noon. Ha! By next time, I have to put a note on my phone and alarm it after I received my appointment schedule. Oops, I have to do it now or else sorry for me. I need not to do it again. But then still, it's a happy Friday! I hope you have a great one. ~hugs&kisses~

January 08, 2011

It has been Saturday already which obviously following this day will be Sunday and it will a word day to those who work in private or public establishments. To those who are just in the house, a homemaker like me, then probably you will be going to miss your spouse being with you during weekends and spoiling you unlike the weekdays which mostly you are going to see each other during noon break and night time. I am not complaining though, just saying. Really, it is not only sometimes but we have to exercise expressing what is on our mind not because we have something to get or alike but just to let what our thoughts flow without hesitation but of course, it should entail no badness but with the thought of it would not harm  or hurt others depending upon how it should have to be delivered if telling such would make one a better person or would make the situation better, huh!

Okay, just saying, Happy Saturday or weekend everyone! Have fun!

December 25, 2010

What have you done last night as for your Christmas eve? Do you have "Noche Buena" or you don't believe it? If you do, do you party it with your family or your friends? Or your special someone? Whoever you are with, I know you are happy and enjoying as you celebrate and commemorate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Holy One.

Now, what did you cooked? Did you have a do-it-yourself foods? As for me, I cooked hamonada-de-pinya (Filipino-style) for my highlight. I have such recipe from my aunt in Magting (a place in Philippines where I grew-up) which I remembered it last year and call at the same time texted her how to cook it. She gave me the recipe and I had some research online, some video since it is my first time and it is only here USA I know how to cook (excluding the basic ones like cooking rice) especially the foods here (it's just foods here are already in pack which is easy to prepare, well not all, but mostly). Then little by little (well, it took me hard to learn it. Hahaha! *blush*) I learned it and pictured it out how. I did not take a chance on experimenting because ingredients are not cheap. Only to find out last year that there was no meat available (well, I shopped on the 11th hour) but how many kilos it was. I settle for nothing but not until last night. I did it how I wanted its taste, honestly. And I could not be proud of myself. Can you figure it now, how it look-like? A hint, I had pork butt (in lieu of pork upper leg which I wanted to but it is very big so I settled for a butt. I will post picture and its recipe on other post next time. For now, I have to great you all, Merry Christmas! ~hugs~

December 24, 2010

If you read or watched news, you already knew we had six days rains in a row. Yes it is consecutive as in non-stop which is odd when talking about California. I was not able to get and mailed Christmas cards to my family and friends here in USA and Philippines though it was already late. I just greet them through text and call. Or through yahoo messenger or Facebook. Gosh how I really wish to continue our (together with DH) family tradition of sending the traditional way of greeting this Christmas time. I really wanted to go out one of those days, well, if only I have rain boots like overshoes such our traditional way would not be stopped. DH just would not allow me to go outside knowing it was raining hard. I know you will understand anyway. I just have to say to my friends and extended family that I will make it up next year. Anyhow, merry Christmas all! ~hugs&kisses~

November 21, 2010

It had been two days today raining here in my place and I do not know there in yours, is it raining there by the way? How is your weather currently? Is your weather has been treating you well?

Three days ago (Friday, Pacific Standard Time), we just had rain showers on and off. It was yesterday it became a bit increasing of its on and off. Then came today (dawn/morning) it is raining again just like yesterday. My question and wonder is, would its raindrops increase? As in more rain? I hope not a flood or something (God forbid!). It did not bother us though. Instead it is a music unto my ears, oops only the raindrops and not the deep thought, okay?!

And the counting go on? Whatever! ;-) As long as it do not do harm then I do not have a problem with it. I have to mind my own business and the raindrops would have to mind its own business too! Ha ha ha! ;-)

Have a happy Sunday (Monday to other parts of the world) everyone!

Choose to be happy, lovely and lively! Why not?! "Tues" is converted into "Choose" and put the "day" . Can you get the logic? He he he! Oops, second day of workday. Are you ready? Ready or not, we have to work unless if it is your leave, right? Or are you sick? Oops it is not good to be sick. If you are sick and still good to work, one might like not to be on absent especially this time that, work is not that easy to find. We better love what we have and take time to get another one at a time if you have a really dream work. We have to think about it or we are sorry if we do not have work. Good for me, my husband does not oblige me to work but still it is great to have something to contribute. :) Thanks to my sponsors in blogging (though it is not a lot) that I got to pay taxes if it surpasses 600 bucks. It is great to have it though it is just little. Well, blogging actually is to express my wits and concern at the same time (hopefully) I get to inspire or just have some idea on how to's which he/she is the same boat of such situation. Ooh well, I love blogging. It is my passion. I am some a kind of introvert-person (not so) and I found myself just go-with-the-flow kind. Nope, I speak with balance and trying to avoid to hurt feelings. But then I found out, sometimes it is great to be hurt to know than being unhurt and know nothing, some kind of no-how. Oops, brain teaser again? Ha ha ha! You will know if you can relate. I do not want to make it long anyway. :-D And so, Happy Tuesday! Choose to be happy, lovely and lively!

Can you sense the bells ringing? Yes, Christmas is on its way! Thanksgiving Day will be this coming Thursday (November 25) then comes its sale event Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Then after that, time to Christmas trees either it will be artificial Christmas tree or the live one. Then it will come eight dawn masses and Christmas Day then! What have you thinking?  Your gifts, foods, presents and so on, or so forth? Then include me to that thought. Ha ha ha! As I always said to my friends and extended family excluding my husband = my Santa Claus ;-) } , Christmas card is already enough. I could have a big smile with that already, as in grin. :-D Merry Christmas in advance and have an awesome Christmas tree decorating then! ;)

November 14, 2010

Today as of Pacific Savings Time, it is Sunday (while other part of the world, it is Monday). Now that this is the last day of weekend off from work, there are many already went to church by morning and others later just like me. I like to go to mass at 5 p.m. because of its choir as well as I can go with the flow and feels different if not, so that is one cause.

On the other hand, there are also some few folks does not like this day because this is the last day of their drinking session, strolling everywhere and some other things that they can only do at weekend.

With this, all I can say is happy Sunday! God bless! ~kisses~

Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post