Showing posts with label life's journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life's journey. Show all posts

November 10, 2013

Of all the things we spend money on each month, some could be considered things we need, and some could be considered things we don’t need or just a want. But the distinction between the two is not that easy to make. What must we buy? Well, we have to wear clothes everyday and have shoes on our feet. If we get sick, we may need a prescription medicine to help us get better. Other products or services, such as haircut or cosmetics, are less necessary, but have become an important part of today’s lifestyle.

One problem a lot of people have with clothes is they buy something and then never wear it. I have some shirts I bought and then never wore, even though buying them seemed like a good decision at the time. Buying clothes is both a practical and an emotional decision, and you’re going to make mistakes. There is really no good solution to it. So what I recommend is, go look for something you would be proud to wear. Buy it and wear it.

September 29, 2013

This picture (which is pixelated, I know, sorry about that) was taken more than five years ago. I was just few months after I arrived here in United States of A. I was there together with my friend Au & her hubby. That was in Our Lady of Angels here in Los Angeles, California. It is quiet famous as many tourists went there. Though, it is just 15 minutes away from where my little family live, still it is quite far as it will be crossed in a freeway. It really needs time to go there unlike a chapel here near us (three minutes drive or seven minutes walk *walking is a good exercise*). I can always look at it when passed-by going to my daughter's appointment in Vermont Ave, Los Angeles (plus the Jollibee food chain) once a day, every week, though. Anyway, this picture doesn't do justice, this church is beautiful in actual much more nowadays.
I plan to go back and spend time there one day soon. Can't you guess, I also miss by slim bod here. Ha! Reminiscing. Now I'm already 120-124 lbs. Whew!

August 30, 2013

I have been keeping a journal since I was in high school. When I reached college, I wrote more or let me say, I made more that in later years. I had a hard time which place should I stock those piles. I don’t like the thought anyone going through my journals while I am still alive.

Someone asked me, what’s in your journal? I told her, oh well, they are personal experiences, mostly what my day was or a weekend like or my aspirations. I also recorded some love moments and even the fights and confused moments. I think keeping journal is a healthy habit. It may look weird for some because it makes an introvert person more introvert, but to me, it’s kind of healthy because if there is no one near you, or if one is not comfortable sharing her deepest thoughts, she has the journal to pour out her feelings.

Keeping a journal is not just for girls. There are men who kept one, too. Even great men have journals. Examples of men who kept a journal or diary are Ralph Waldo Emerson, Kurt Cobain, Ronald Reagan, and Captain Cook. These are just some of them. There are or course a lot of women who can add up to this list.

So, if you want to end up like any of them, keep writing! It does not matter if it’s only for your eyes, the important thing is you write about the moments of your life. :-)

August 01, 2013

Life is precious, so if possible we will give our best for this one life. Ready to accept all the challenges and surprises along our journey. 

" Life is too short " -- this is what I always hear since when I was young. Indeed this is true, we must have to enjoy life while we have that gift. God give us only one life and if possible we have to enjoy every single moment of it. But in some way, we are just human and need more exploration in life. Problems come along the way, challenges is there always. The only thing we can do is to pray and ask God to give us more life to live and to handle those situation from time to time.

So what is life really? In some way this is a philosophical question which everyone has different perspective what life is, when we say life, its an existence. Once you exist in this world you have life. " Life is a gift from God, what you become is your gift to God. "

July 08, 2013

It is the ultimate act of self-respect. Make yourself do it. Read an inspiring book, soak in a bubble bath, go out, eat your favorite craved food. It is these little pleasures that will allow you to feel special. Fake it if you must, until you actually feel deserving of it. Acting as if something is true can make it so. Whatever you choose to journey in, follow the action by writing down what you did and how it make you feel. Keep a journal and review it regularly. Make it your own attitude file. Include stories, quotes from friends, and photos that have made you feel especial. Be and feel good on yourself.

If you are wearing a great dress with sexy heels, what good is it if your hair is dull and flat and your makeup is lackluster? Or your nails are chipped. How about sexy sandals on feet with corns and callouses? Spend the money or do it yourself, but don’t overlook the finer points. Attention to details on the outside flaunts inner confidence and shows you care about yourself.

June 26, 2013

“No man is an Island” a tagline that never fades, it’s true we can’t leave happily in this life journey without any companion. Everyone of us have own Friends and a Best-friend(s) whom aside from our family we share to them our thoughts, feelings, secrets and sometimes those did which are naughty stuffs and so. To keep friendship, one need to trust each other, adjust each other and never ever fail the trust broken to each one party because once trust is being ruined that person will not trust you like what trust he/she gave to you before, unless if you do something  really extra-special and promise to not do it again. Of course the other party has to prove it!

Not all time of our life we will be with our friend(s), time come we will be apart with each other, just keep on communicating each other to keep friendship. Communication is the very core step of friendship and it is not a problem nowadays since we have lot of social networking sites and alike. The most important thing is that even though your friend is not in your side but he/she must be in your heart all the time.

June 15, 2013

Life has a lot of surprises! I was just chatting with my friend a minute ago. As she mentioned she is now single again. I thought all the while that she is engaged to a person whom she knows that he is the one for her. But what happen? There are lots of circumstances in life that we cannot expect that it will happen one day in our journey.

So now they are "break" already. So lesson learned, in every relationship for singles or couple never expect too much. It surely hurts when everything turns into nothing. Waiting in vain, right? So make sure to control and if not then you will be hurt. But you will learn a lesson after.

So for my friend, sorry to hear about that. Maybe God has another plan to both of you. Just be who you are and he will come in the right time to you. Just be patient enough.

May 29, 2013

Whew! It's been a long time that I didn't check my links in my blogs. Not until days ago, Mr/Ms. G sent me notice that I got penalized, of what? --- that's a big question but he/she gave me hints. So I have to start from there.

I just found out that I got a lot of 404 errors, bad links or broken links. It's time to check those. I don't know the real reason what happened but what sure thing, is that I got such. So now, with the help of Online Broken Link Checker, I got the specific URL of my blog to where I can find it and the specific URL of the outgoing link I got. So there goes my so much time to consume regarding this matter.

I just can only wish that the owner of those link(s) is brave enough to inform everyone on their community or so. Ooh well, we do not know what really happen, again, it's just a wish or should I say "hope" --- hoping for a betterment. But then, as I said, we don't really know, maybe there's a good reason why, or maybe not -- and that I don't know, only God knows. The important is "honest to goodness" point of view, isn't it? On the other hand, if you think I missed your link, please let me know --- but please know that I recheck and check it, maybe I just miss, if so, I am so sorry. Oops by the way, don't be surprised that for long time I am here to blog hop, doing my rounds, etcetera to which I so missed doing. Don't get mad that you can see me on your Fedjit, okay? Ha! I'm sure you love visitors, aren't you (or maybe not)? Wink. ;-)

Thanks for reading guys, just a random thought of this day which would consume a lot of my time, but I think this is part of online gig. Have a great day everyone! All the best! ~hugs&kisses~

February 03, 2013

Becoming successful in our chosen field is a confirmation of how effectively we able to maximize the skills, talent and knowledge that we have. It also gives us a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. To make sure that we able to adapt to the increasing demands of our job we must be open to learning new skills. If we continuously work on enhancing our skills and knowledge, we will be provided with more opportunities for career advancement. The chances of getting promoted, for instance, are greater if we constantly look for ways to improve our skills. If we are looking for more career advancement opportunities, we must also make an effort to make ourselves worthy of these opportunities. If you are looking for a higher position at work or you are looking to change careers altogether, then you must decide which steps to take to make it happen. If you belong to the health care industry and you want a more stable job than what you currently have, then you can increase the chance of making it happen by earning your online doctor pharmacy degree. Through an online course, you will be able to finish the degree that you want while still holding a regular job. If a regular classroom setting is not possible because you still have your job, then an online course is suitable for you. You can even choose to take your online classes during weekends or at night after your regular working hours. The courses that you will take will provide you with the knowledge and skills that will make you more eligible for whatever bigger career opportunities will come to you in the future.

September 27, 2012

Things have been changed when I became a mother. When I  had no baby yet, I had plenty of time on blogging. I could also go out the house any time during the day (but I am not complaining okay. Smile. :-)). I could visit some of my friends here in our place if I wanted to. Or I will invite them to come over, and we will have fun in the kitchen such as cooking, talking and of course, eating. Our home before was actually empty. It was only me and hubby living in this quiet place. Now, everything has been changed when the bundle of joy arrived. The empty home is now alive, and full of laughter. Despite the problems that we had when my daughter arrived, my husband and I were/are so grateful that we were able to pass all the pains in our heart when Sarah needs to undergo a surgery. With the help of the prayers from family and friends, our little princess is now grown-up and yes, so joyful. :) And because of Sarah, we have a happy and lively home. How happy is that? Yes, very happy despite all the trials and struggles (and all along the way). :-) Life is a beautiful journey and worthy to smile much more with our happy angel. :-)

Rising health bills can drive one to save more or get more jobs to pay the bills. As one gets older, there are unavoidable medical bills, pills and tests. Life's journey has never been easy! However, there are ways that you could save money and time. If your doctor prescribes you five pills, ask if you need to take them all or not. Sometimes, only three drugs are a must and the rest of the vitamins and supplements may be taken as needed. Some drugs are considered essential while others may just serve as supplements. There are people who are susceptible to allergies, and this kind of people is really hard to take a medicine. Alright, in every problem, there is always a solution. If you suffer an inflammation, there is a natural way to treat and reduce the pain produced within an area of the body as a reaction to injury or infection.

You may try to drink nopalea. It’s a healthy concentrated wellness drink that could help to reduce pain quickly due to inflammation. It is extracted from the fruit of Nopal cactus, and it naturally sweetened with Agave nectar. The main ingredient of nopalea is the bioflavonoid which helps to combat against toxicity and reduce inflammation. This inflammation can lead to plenty of disorders if not treated right away. When you drink nopalea, it will work directly to the affected areas of the body. There are other health benefits that you could get from drinking nopalea regularly such as increasing energy level, improve immune system, and more.

By the way, you can try nopalea today for free. If you want to take the challenge, you can get the 32 ounce bottle of nopalea, and drink 3 to 6 ounces everyday until the bottle is empty. Fill out the challenge form honestly and truthfully, and review The Secret Killer Health Alert. These are all included in your shipment. Call Trivita to receive your free bottle of Nopalea.

September 23, 2012

I am glad that hubby doesn't need to work this weekend. He could sleep all day at home, but I know it is impossible because my husband doesn't like to stay in one corner and do nothing. He’s a workaholic husband. He works hard for us, and I am so grateful to the Lord above for he gave me a good provider and a loving, thoughtful, and most of all a faithful husband.

Since, I don’t have a fixed income, and I stayed at home 24/7 days a week just to take care of our bundle of joy, I tried to help my husband’s bills by saving our bills such as energy bills, water bills, and I have never shopped without his approval even if I don’t need to ask him. I know he provided me everything I need specifically my personal needs but I don’t want to take it for granted. We are not a perfect couple. We also have misunderstanding sometimes but that is just part of our journey being a husband and wife. Anyway, since he is at home, I want to cook his favorite food, and I also want to watch a movie later tonight with him. So, it’s a date with him here in our simple abode.

August 24, 2012

Time flies too fast, ain't it? Ah, common phrase of a busy-as-a-bee folk like me. Grrr.. :-) The Olympic ends already and I haven't been watching the program constantly. As in just sneaking-in when got a chance. You know, busy mom, wife and everything. Whew!

Okay, truly it was fantastic! A friend of mine,  had been up late just because of that amazing show in England. Folks like her must be so blessed to be able to watched all the awardees and individuals who were willing to represents their country. I can sense the tough and hard competition were experienced by contestants and you can see glory and mercy in each event. They have the talents that really comes from God. Each of the representatives, is willing to take their lives on risk just for the country. They are considered as hero for me. Imagine how hard, nervous to be one of them. Remember that you are representing your country, you are bringing the name of your country. What a big honor! Right? I salute all winners and losers. You did all your effort and give excitement to all viewers all over the globe. How lucky are those folks who had been watching live on their eyes in London.Yet, I am still lucky too because I have TV and a channel/program that I can watch every time I feel like it. :-)

And so, hoorah to the participants! Yay! Kodus!

August 23, 2012

Every girl wants to be a beauty queen. Some may try to deny it but the truth is, at least for the normal girls, at one point in the journey of their lives, they would wish that they were a beauty queen. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s but natural for a girl to wish that. And there is nothing sweeter than to be judged the most beautiful of all. This is why beauty pageants, throughout time, has continued to attract so much attention and following.

Although these pageants are normally participated by young ladies only, the past decades show that the recipe of Beauty pageants and children have become a very common and sought-after event. Young girls are dressed up like young, adult ladies complete with all the make-up and accessories, competing for the title of beauty queen. The most obvious reason to this is that parents, generally, love to flaunt their kids. They want everyone to see just how cute and talented their kids are. Other parents just want to build their child’s self-confidence.

Another possible reason is, as weird as it may sound, some parents, particularly mothers, are frustrated beauty queens. Since they failed to win the crown, they want their child to fulfill their lifetime dream. Most parents would not admit this but this is actually a very true and sad reality. Children having to live out their parent’s dream; how sad can it get? Let’s hope this is not always the case.

We should not fail to realize that beauty pageants, although it’s about beauty and charm, is still a contest. Therefore, it includes competition. There is an emotional and psychological factor involved in these events. Participants are expected to undergo not only physical but also emotional pressure and stress during the contests.

Adults, especially parents, should consider the child’s well-being before they decide to let them join. Is the child ready? Is the child able to handle the stress? Will it benefit the child? Is the child willing? If after much careful assessment and evaluation the answers are all yes, then it’s probably okay to let the child join. Otherwise, better wait till your child is grown enough and prepared.
In an ideal world, beauty pageants and children don’t fit. There’s just too much danger for the child as compared to the cuteness factor. That’s the true beauty of being a parent. Giving love that is unselfish, patient and unconditional; there is no greater beauty than that.

August 14, 2012

Sometimes I feel like crazy remembering past negative vibes. So every time it attacks me I have to do something, to make those happenings in positive way. Looking back from the past is not bad but we all know that past has past. It is great to look back when such will do good for the present, otherwise, it is not healthy at all. We must look ahead of our future but we are just human sometimes we cannot avoid to think of it. Ha! Oops!

Anyway, I just remember that one of my old mate is now a successful business woman. I saw her Facebook and remembering the past that mate of mine did not have any plan to be a business woman. I am just happy with her achievement and now she finally has her own business. I am so glad that she did not forget me at all. She added me in her Facebook friends. So still good to remember the past but only those good times and some bad times, well if it would do good for the present (as I said) or for the future, then all is good to go. Yay, what a journey it has been. Smile.

When I started blogging I never thought that I will be earning something from it but when the cash is flowing, it keeps rolling and I am hoping that it won’t end. It's a sweet journey, but mind you, it never came that easy and I almost wanted to hire some seo consulting services just to jump start it. The only thing that keeps me from holding on is because I cannot afford it and besides I don’t know either if it works. Although many of my friends are telling me that it’s going to help my blog easily be seen here in the Internet.

But before I go on using it in my blog I tried my own research of how helpful seo consulting services really are. And I would say that the Internet has vast information that everyone can take advantage of and all you have to do is find the right resources. While in my quest to boost the visibility of my blog, I do learn a few tidbits though on how to optimize and increase the reputation of my blog in the World Wide Web. And I would say using seo consulting services would help companies who are serious in this kind of business. It surely will push your website up in the ladder.

August 12, 2012

People want to stay fit irrespective of his shape and age. But just a thought in mind is not going to work. You need to work for it; you will need to bring in efforts for the same. Body figure do matter for staying smart and fit. But simultaneously clothes fitting too matter lots, for instance wearing brands like pleasure state makes you confident and you find yourself leverage from inner stint of being beautiful and nice.

Dresses matters lot, your perfect fitting dresses not only make first good impression but sense you a pleasure of looking smart and beautiful. You are centre of attraction and many eye balls just want a glance of yours. Here, I am with simple yet effective steps to help you look gorgeous.

Remember the fact that fashion trends is not something that comes from money. It is something to anything that is popular in market. Style and colors keeps on changing. So if you are the one who like wearing the same outfits every time, it’s time to change. Have you ever turn down any party invitation just because you have no right outfit to wear. You have a good collection of dresses in wardrobe but still you are confused then it’s time to look over the trends and follow these tips.
  • Stylish never means being in shape, it is make the best of your shape. Even the undergarments matters, Pleasure state my fit helps keep your beautiful part in shape and beautiful.
  • If you want look stylish, you need not want to spend more than your budget. It is not the breaking of bank.
  • If you are turning old, it never means that you are not the part of style statement. You too can set trends and it’s always great to be role model in the late years of life.
  • Fashion has lot to take with attitude. It is important to be confident. And it comes with dress only.
  • Use of internet helps you follow the most trending. A couple of hours dedicated search can take you to a portal where you can find from pleasure state bras to tops that suits best in you.
  • Fashion and style are too different thing, never take it same. It’s your style which makes the fashion. 
  • Keep your style unique and you are the winner all around.
  • Staying in home never means you have no right to wear good dress. You have a full right to dress nice casuals and trendy wears. Keep up this habit as it is sure to enhance your self-reliance level.
  • And lastly get rid of all those items that are really out dated and it is just adding to the space of your wardrobe.
There is never a late, just keep up the spirit and start a phase to create a new you whenever you required. You are the one who is responsible for your own look.

August 03, 2012

What to bring during travel? Cash or credit card? Guys, for me I’d rather have to bring s small cash and my credit card with me. Having big cash on your pocket is dangerous. There are now lots of thieves around. Credit card is more safer. You can just punch in whenever you need and of course having a very little amount of cash for emergency is advisable.

How about you guys out there, what do you prefer most cash or credit card? Your suggestion is welcome. This will serves as a tip to all travelers and of course to myself too. It is always good to know the con’s and pro’s in traveling. So to ease worries try my tip of not bringing much cash. You can surely have peace in mind. I remember my husband did not bring any cash before when he visited me in Philippines before. As he said it was for his safety. And I do agree with his purpose.

Breaking up is never easy, but it’s even harder when there are kids involved. Whatever the circumstances of your romantic relationship ending, chances are that you will be continuing a relationship of sorts with your ex, as co-parents of your children. And whatever age your kids are, they will also need a certain amount of assistance to adjust to the new situation. So, how best to enter this new phase in your life?


Have the discussion about how you will go about co-parenting early on. When will you each see your kids? How will big decisions be made? What notice is required about any change of plans? From the major questions such as schooling to day-to-day management like school lunches, it all needs to be sorted out and, if necessary, formalized. It could help to bring your children into these discussions as well.


Unless you are in the happy position of being financially self-sufficient, for many, becoming a single mother means your financial status – and security – will likely change. Retirement funds, joint bank accounts, child support, mortgages and car repayments will all figure in these changes. Consult an accountant to find out about any changes to your taxes.


It will be important to have a support network to turn to in times of emergency. Something as simple as having the flu for a few days can be stressful for a single mother, so it’s good to have family and friends you can rely on to do some child-minding if necessary. Making connections with other single mothers will also be important – someone to understand the difficulties you’re facing.


Most mums tend to put themselves last, and for a single mother – running a household solo, often juggling school lunches and household decisions with a busy career – it becomes even more difficult to find ‘me-time’. Even something as small as 20 minutes for a bath, catching up with your girlfriends for coffee or reading a book after the kids are in bed will give you the space to focus on you for a little while.


It might seem like an insurmountable task to re-enter the dating scene with kids in tow. It can be difficult to meet a potential new partner, but sites can help set up introductions with compatible dates and they are a good way to ease yourself into dating again.

Most importantly, you need to think positively about the new direction your life has taken. It may not be the direction you expected, and it can be difficult to reset your expectations. However, it can mean greater independence, the ability to try new things and the freedom to do it your way.

July 23, 2012

I cannot hide! I cannot deny! I missed my family back home. Even though I have now my very own family which is my first Home but my relatives, parents, sisters and brothers are still my family whom I have to think of. Not totally 100% but sometimes I do really missed them. Other thing I miss in the place where I was born  is that miss the Filipino foods cooked by my parents back home. Comparing life here and there in the Philippines, it has a very big difference but must accept and be happy for where I am now. So, I am trying to be in touch with them from time to time. Just a matter of keeping my mind busy to not missing them much.

Maybe when Sam is about 4 or 5 years old then we can travel and visit them, or live there for good. Sam can already walk that time. That would be more fun and exciting. So have to wait for that time to come. Yay!

Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post