July 08, 2013

It is the ultimate act of self-respect. Make yourself do it. Read an inspiring book, soak in a bubble bath, go out, eat your favorite craved food. It is these little pleasures that will allow you to feel special. Fake it if you must, until you actually feel deserving of it. Acting as if something is true can make it so. Whatever you choose to journey in, follow the action by writing down what you did and how it make you feel. Keep a journal and review it regularly. Make it your own attitude file. Include stories, quotes from friends, and photos that have made you feel especial. Be and feel good on yourself.

If you are wearing a great dress with sexy heels, what good is it if your hair is dull and flat and your makeup is lackluster? Or your nails are chipped. How about sexy sandals on feet with corns and callouses? Spend the money or do it yourself, but don’t overlook the finer points. Attention to details on the outside flaunts inner confidence and shows you care about yourself.

1 Comment:

  1. imelda said...
    yes girl i agree with this post. . .chin up and do things with pride. . .happy to be here once again cai. . missed being here., . .

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