Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

November 10, 2013

Of all the things we spend money on each month, some could be considered things we need, and some could be considered things we don’t need or just a want. But the distinction between the two is not that easy to make. What must we buy? Well, we have to wear clothes everyday and have shoes on our feet. If we get sick, we may need a prescription medicine to help us get better. Other products or services, such as haircut or cosmetics, are less necessary, but have become an important part of today’s lifestyle.

One problem a lot of people have with clothes is they buy something and then never wear it. I have some shirts I bought and then never wore, even though buying them seemed like a good decision at the time. Buying clothes is both a practical and an emotional decision, and you’re going to make mistakes. There is really no good solution to it. So what I recommend is, go look for something you would be proud to wear. Buy it and wear it.

July 08, 2013

It is the ultimate act of self-respect. Make yourself do it. Read an inspiring book, soak in a bubble bath, go out, eat your favorite craved food. It is these little pleasures that will allow you to feel special. Fake it if you must, until you actually feel deserving of it. Acting as if something is true can make it so. Whatever you choose to journey in, follow the action by writing down what you did and how it make you feel. Keep a journal and review it regularly. Make it your own attitude file. Include stories, quotes from friends, and photos that have made you feel especial. Be and feel good on yourself.

If you are wearing a great dress with sexy heels, what good is it if your hair is dull and flat and your makeup is lackluster? Or your nails are chipped. How about sexy sandals on feet with corns and callouses? Spend the money or do it yourself, but don’t overlook the finer points. Attention to details on the outside flaunts inner confidence and shows you care about yourself.

August 24, 2012

Time flies too fast, ain't it? Ah, common phrase of a busy-as-a-bee folk like me. Grrr.. :-) The Olympic ends already and I haven't been watching the program constantly. As in just sneaking-in when got a chance. You know, busy mom, wife and everything. Whew!

Okay, truly it was fantastic! A friend of mine,  had been up late just because of that amazing show in England. Folks like her must be so blessed to be able to watched all the awardees and individuals who were willing to represents their country. I can sense the tough and hard competition were experienced by contestants and you can see glory and mercy in each event. They have the talents that really comes from God. Each of the representatives, is willing to take their lives on risk just for the country. They are considered as hero for me. Imagine how hard, nervous to be one of them. Remember that you are representing your country, you are bringing the name of your country. What a big honor! Right? I salute all winners and losers. You did all your effort and give excitement to all viewers all over the globe. How lucky are those folks who had been watching live on their eyes in London.Yet, I am still lucky too because I have TV and a channel/program that I can watch every time I feel like it. :-)

And so, hoorah to the participants! Yay! Kodus!

July 17, 2012

I recall when I started to build this site Cacai’s Journey. This supposedly a journey of me and my DH, Cacai and Nad. Okay, I did not expect that this will lead me writing of my journey in life. This was just a matter of hobby and getting fun online with some other friends along and as I said, it was unintended for me alone. Then, an experimental page mold me much in sending information to my readers and followers online. Sorry to say, but I have limitations, of course. I don’t much exposed on what my family and my journey is but most of them has been written here. I am just a simple woman who just really like to share little things and some big things, of my daily journey here.

Now that I have my angel with me then I am not totally free to have time sitting in front of computer. I give much attention to my dear one and of course to our provider which is my hubby dear. Well, I am just thankful that I have this site specifically for my journey in life.

Thank you for being part of this journey. ~hugs&kisses~

June 11, 2012

To save money from your salary, you must be frugal and spend money wisely. Another way of making it happen is to make a budget list to all your needs. Put the change into a box or a piggy bank on your desk. It may seem insignificant, but put there all the currencies and the change. Don't break the piggy-bank until you really need it. And if you buy something don’t use credit card better used cash because you’ll be more realistic when it comes about spending when money is in your hand.

If weekend, make your day busy with some funny things in home rather than spend your money in the cinema, shopping to the malls or going out for weekly activities. Saving money can be a challenge. But don’t worry, learn to enjoy it at the end. Organize yourself and try to invest in truly valuable things. Those are some ways to save money from your salary. Oops, you have also put in mind and differentiate what are things to buy which are essential or just wants.

Well, it is your life. It is your style. It is your journey and steps on being stress-free, financial debt-free. But, saving money is a general way. So think before you spend!

Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2025 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M. | Guest Post