August 23, 2012

Every girl wants to be a beauty queen. Some may try to deny it but the truth is, at least for the normal girls, at one point in the journey of their lives, they would wish that they were a beauty queen. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s but natural for a girl to wish that. And there is nothing sweeter than to be judged the most beautiful of all. This is why beauty pageants, throughout time, has continued to attract so much attention and following.

Although these pageants are normally participated by young ladies only, the past decades show that the recipe of Beauty pageants and children have become a very common and sought-after event. Young girls are dressed up like young, adult ladies complete with all the make-up and accessories, competing for the title of beauty queen. The most obvious reason to this is that parents, generally, love to flaunt their kids. They want everyone to see just how cute and talented their kids are. Other parents just want to build their child’s self-confidence.

Another possible reason is, as weird as it may sound, some parents, particularly mothers, are frustrated beauty queens. Since they failed to win the crown, they want their child to fulfill their lifetime dream. Most parents would not admit this but this is actually a very true and sad reality. Children having to live out their parent’s dream; how sad can it get? Let’s hope this is not always the case.

We should not fail to realize that beauty pageants, although it’s about beauty and charm, is still a contest. Therefore, it includes competition. There is an emotional and psychological factor involved in these events. Participants are expected to undergo not only physical but also emotional pressure and stress during the contests.

Adults, especially parents, should consider the child’s well-being before they decide to let them join. Is the child ready? Is the child able to handle the stress? Will it benefit the child? Is the child willing? If after much careful assessment and evaluation the answers are all yes, then it’s probably okay to let the child join. Otherwise, better wait till your child is grown enough and prepared.
In an ideal world, beauty pageants and children don’t fit. There’s just too much danger for the child as compared to the cuteness factor. That’s the true beauty of being a parent. Giving love that is unselfish, patient and unconditional; there is no greater beauty than that.


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