March 19, 2012

I have a great day today. Though I woke-up late after being awake at dawn time (I cannot sleep thinking of the soon-happened day of my daughter two days from now) and haven't eaten yet (am in diet you know, I just have a little meal too) to which am hungry now, but am fine. Oops, it is very fine of having a small meal as I am in diet now. Good thing I am not breastfeeding. Alright, my daughter is already six months old anyway. :-)

And so, despite of the thoughts in my mind of my family journey specifically for my daughter two days from now, God knows how to comfort me, HE gives me what I need and even what I want. Great words I got yesterday and some good things happen today which makes my heart fonder. Thank you Lord for the blessings! Indeed, I have a great Monday. And I am sharing this, as a positive vibe. Let's spread the positive vibe! Smile because you deserve it!


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