December 25, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

My friend in Wisconsin was married last year. It's not such a different news because the couple are very in-love with each other. The fact that they planned their marriage date on Winter season is quiet something but perhaps unique. I could say because mostly brides want to wear sleeveless wedding gowns or such pretty much enticing gowns but as I said theirs were not since they want a snowy, cold one. Well, I do not have a disagreement since that was what they want. It is just that it was pretty unique. And the couple were very much excited about it, in fact, they have their wedding accessories and all the wedding stuffs prepare one month before the wedding date. All in all, the wedding went well and both families of the couple were happy and of course the couple did. And now they are still very loving with each other and savors every moment that they are together. Isn't there winter wedding ceremony idea awesome? For me, yes it was though ours was held in the summer season. Though they have a unique one but I guess for many isn't because of the weather and such. Well, everyone has a unique idea in their own way. I am then happy for every couple's choice, as long as they are happy with each other.


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