May 08, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

It seems every season especially summer there's a fire in California of which some kind of expected already. In fact, all of the house owners need to comply home insurances in order to be ready of this said accident. This will then turn into calamity, so it's better to be ready at all times. I don't know what is really happen that this state is prone to this fire incident. I guess it's because of the weather nowadays that it's too hot and some of the bad peeps just throw cigarettes everywhere especially those arsonists that just their goal is to create fire. Those are crazy peeps. They like trouble and people will put into bad situation, crazy isn't it? I guess it's more on the weather problem (I guess) that fires could create wilderness, it's been wild! - a wild fire and it's no fun! no good! but bad (of course)! Fire fighters are always alert most importantly this season that it will be summer soon. Well then, from now on I will have to post every time there's an incident happened in this state where I am now. This serves as a record or some.

Lately, my sister called me and we talked of some kind of sisterly and friend-talk as well as she checked if I already got the package she sent me - suppose to be it will arrive of this day and yeah it did! heheh, I just got it and I love it very much not just that she's one of my best but because of the thought through the birthday card she sent me it's so meaningful and I got about to cry as I read it, whew! I love my sister much! Thanks a lot sis, I love the stuffs you sent me too and you know that. Anyway, as we talked her husband told of what's the update of the fire already, and I just said huh? I didn't know that! shame on me... huhuhuh... that am here but do not know what happened in my sorroundings t_t. so what I did after we talked was that I went to the room and watched the news together with my husband and yeah, it's on-going - I saw the fire live on tv -Santa Barbara County Burns! The homes in there got destroyed got destroyed and thirty-thousand (30,000) people already evacuated. This was the news at 12:27 pm today (May 08, 2009). Fire fighters did their very best as of now and I hope not so lots of properties damaged and most importantly the people in that county. Vice-president of Farmers Insurance, Paul Quinn said that secure the ones life first and most essential of this incident because insurance is there to take place of the belongings and homes that has been damaged. Life is too precious not to protect! By the way, Paul Quinn lives 45 miles away from the fire and fortunately away from the wild fires. I will update more of this in the long-run then for some info.

Thank You FIRST COMMENTER : Demcy Apdian Diaz

1 Comment:

  1. Dhemz said...
    woi that's very nice of your sister madam sis...ako utang lang sa ako bday gift sa imo ha...hehehe...limtan man jud nako woi...lisod na ning tigols nata...hehhee...tagae tuod ko ug add nimo ha...:)

    woi as in..parehas ta..ulahi sad ko sa mga balita dire sa in madam sis...uso nang wild fire dire sa cali..samot sa inyo dapit sa south..kami naa man mi sa north...:)

    kumusta na tuod diha? hope layo ramo...kay lisod na mag!

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