April 26, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

How do you like the above trophy fellow co-bloggers? Am sure you like to have this. If that is what in your mind right now, why not visit David Funk of Basic Bloganomics site of blog description - Imagine blog of possibilities- under the Sport category. By the way, his contest named which is also in the title above which is " 2009 Blog Championship Series " is running already and needs only 16-32 peepz to participate to review it. You need to see the blog, i know all are qualified but first you need to see the qualification to enter such contest he has right now. It's just simple to enter, all you have to do is click the trophy above or the highlighted contest title in quote or and expect to be landed in the page which has all the info you wish to know. By the way, if you have see this one now {of course because you're reading (~_~)} and you wish to come back on the other day, you can also click the image which I put here in this left side corner of my sidebar below my badge code. The choice is yours folks!
I like this author not only because he is a funk as what he's name is in here "David Funk", he is also a smart one, intelligent, sport-minded, a good writer, friendly, a well-organized blogger, and artistic one - that is what I knew him as to how he writes his write-ups or posts. He has that well-rounded blog and fresh. You can tell by the way it has been written and made. I like all what he wrote and one of my favorite post of him is the Blog Community Rap post wherein he composed it by himself just like a music composer do which I like most aside that my name and blog title is there (*wink*). Yep, I write this not because he is one of my close friend here but because am one of this said author fan. He knows how to capture the readers heart that's why he has now that Google's importance or Page Rank of 3, I wonder not because his blog and of course him (the author behind it) deserves what Google give. The good thing too is he is still open for exchange link, when you like to have a good link to your site then go on and have one. About his layout, it's also pretty cool to look-at - it just shows that the blogger behind is a guy and an artistic one. As you want to visit his site, you have to expect the pop-up ad but not a bad one, just bear with it because the ads are awesome to read too, and if you're eager to see what's really inside of his blog and you don't want to read the ads, you have the choice! it's because you can click the skip button which is at the top right side of the welcome ad. About the page load, it's also okey, I just hope that he will put his blog roll or the visitors button or live traffic feeds into scroll bar which I guess it will loads more faster but even if not, it's not that slow in fact, it's still loads good and still one of the best, so you don't have to worry of waiting to see what's inside in his very nice blog. So see yah there co-bloggers and all for everyday I visit his good-to-read and unique blog of him - that is also why you can see his blog in my blog roll right at the left side of my site. By the way, you may also want to see and hop-in the sites of which he links-in that of course is a fan of him which extends whole-heartedly supporting him for this contest, these are the ff (and more to come):
1. Basic Bloganomics : 125x125 ad for one month, winning entries will be inducted into the WBE Blog of Fame, and PayPal cash.
2. Paul H(Sports Soapbox) : 125x125 ads
3. Bill(My Piece of Paradise) : 1,000 EC credits
4. Tammy(Anything Under The Sun) : 1,000 EC credits and ad exposure
5. Tammy(Forgetful Princess) : 1,000 EC credits and ad exposure
6. Star(A Maiden's Testimony ) : 2,000 EC credits
7. Jade(The Pinay Blogger) : 2,000 EC credits
8. Jade(Life of a Filipina Blogger) : 1,000 EC credits
9. Jade(MommaWannabe) : 1,000 EC credits
Cacai M(Cacai's Step and Journey) : 1,000 EC credits
11. Lainy's Musings : $10 PayPal cash and 1,000 EC credits
12. Lainy(Our Journey to Forever) : One-year domain registration or cash equivalent if not needed.
13. Lainy(Kuerdas) : 125x125 ad space
14. Lainy(Certified Fashionable Chic) : 1,000 EC credits

So then, have a pleasant day while reading on his blog folks! See yah there ...



  1. David Funk said...
    Wow, this did turn out better than I thought. I'm not saying you weren't capable. But sometimes, the best entries are spoken from the heart. Also, I very much am honored that you're a fan of my blog because I honestly feel that you have a well-rounded blog yourself with all that you talk about.

    Even with the issues, you handled them addressing it with true class.

    Thanks so much for taking part in the contest as well as the obvious research and work you put into this. You really are a kind and caring blogger friend!
    maxiVelasco said...
    hello Cacai!

    sorry if i haven't been here on your blog for awhile. really busy in school. but i promise to drop by whenever i have extra free time.

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