April 24, 2009

posted by: Cacai M

As I was about to nap lately, the news on tv got my attention - it's about a deadly outbreak disease called swine flu. This influenza virus killed 68 people already in the country of Mexico and threatened to be a global disease, I hope expert doctors will find a solution of this before lots of humans got killed. As to the report, about 6 states in Mexico has this deadly outbreak and for now they close their schools, museums, sport arenas, and most of the community places. Masks were being distributed for the contagious disease will transfer human to human. The said disease is from live swine or pigs. Here in USA, there are also victims but luckily got recovered. There are 6 in California and two people in Texas. In New York City, 75 students from Queens High School got ill and one tested has it. Hopefully they also got recovered. Praise God that there's no victims here got being medicated and recovered. By the way, the symptoms of this outbreak is just like a common flu but it's more higher, like chills, cold, runny nose, and the body temperature is 105 degress Farenheit. I just remembered the bird flu that attacts mostly people in Singapore before, it's so fearful! So folks, be aware not to contact live swines nowadays huh? I hope this will not turned into global. Let us pray for this peepz..


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