May 19, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

My weekend had been great though am still busy as a bee me. I even had not gone to church. I would like to say sorry to Lord God for not visiting him last two weekends. Promise this coming weekend I will. How I wish it will be spring class vacation already so I can hit up all my works to do. I still have my printer not yet hooked up and telephone to deal with so I could then use the fax machine which hubby wanted so he will not goes to depot store every time he has something to fax on {as well as me to chitchat nation wide unlimited (~_~)}. I don't have yet time to do that now because I want to take works at a time so there's no mess as to the contracts and terms. Hemmm, my student permit to drive will expire soon some time next month(June) and yet I even haven't touch a car's wheel *huhuhuh* , no time for now. I hope it will be soon but it's okey if not I will just take an examination again about it next year (I guess and planned). Lots of works to do at the house too, in blogging too (heheheh).. I will then update, comments, and so forth blah blah. Well, it will be 3 to 4 weeks to go and it will be school vacation. I will not take summer class anymore so I could have some good time and do the other task from the other side so little patience about it. hemmm.. watch me out and I'll be hitting you folks! I mean you know... or just watch me out optimistically... heheh.. muahhh! Lab yah folks! Have a pleasant week!



1 Comment:

  1. David Funk said...

    Everyone goes through times like these, and school is happening for many I know right now.

    You are so loved and well-liked that no one will stop visiting just because you have much going on. I certainly won't even though my schedule is really going to kick in gear next week.

    I know you'll get everything you talked about here lined up.

    God Bless my dear friend!

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