May 19, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.


Yep! Charter Communications is having a huge contest on it's Charter Cable this Month of May. As part of its campaign to reward customers in new and exciting ways, you can win as much as $10,000 at the end of this month as well as 52" HDTV's every week this May! All you have to do is go to Win 10 Grand Contest Page and answer the questions and necessary information provided for you about Charter on Demand and you could win 10 thousand bucks! Also, a 52" Sony Bravia HDTV which I said earlier will be given away every week of this May beginning the first day until thirty-first(May 1-31, 2009) - 4 chances to win, remember one month is counted as 4 weeks, so hurry before May is over. Be sure to enter this month or else you will loss your chance of winning. Imagine the $10,000 grand prize just to answer questions?, great one isn't it? I hope I could win! For those who don't have Charter Cable yet, get it now before it's late and start to play! May is still on it's second week so there's still plenty of time to go, hurry! Don't forget, we should have to follow Charter’s Twitter Feed so can have the updates and we'll be informed. Who knows - your name is one of the winner, check it out!

As to recap, Charter really did a good job of creating a buzz around it's online contests. Last Month(April 2009), it gave away HDTV's including a grand prize of a home theater system and one year of free Charter Digital Cable service with HD Programming. And last year, it gave away laptops and Xbox 360 game systes and one customer drove away a 2009 Honda Civic Hybrid. So, what are you waiting folks- watch, play, and enter to win now! Don't miss this out...


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